Trump Era Sees More Conservative Waves Overseas – IOTW Report

Trump Era Sees More Conservative Waves Overseas

Greek elections: Centre-right regains power


Greece’s centre-right opposition party New Democracy has won the nation’s snap general election.

With most districts counted, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras admitted defeat to his rival, Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

New Democracy has 39.8% of the vote so far, with Mr Tsipras’s leftist Syriza party in second place with 31.6%.

Current projections give New Democracy an outright majority, as the winner receives 50 extra seats in parliament.

So far about 88% of districts have returned their results.

The prime minister-elect told supporters he had been given a strong mandate for change.

“The country proudly raises its head again,” he told the crowd in the capital Athens, saying he would be a president for all because Greeks were “too few to stay divided”.

Back in 2015, Alexis Tsipras seemed like the figure of change.

In his firebrand rallies, the left-wing populist vowed to tear up Greece’s bailout programme and end austerity.

But he hopelessly overpromised.

Under pressure from the EU, capital controls on its banks and the threat of “Grexit” – departure from the euro – he was forced into a humiliating U-turn, signing up to a third, €89bn (£80bn; $100bn) bailout, and more austerity.

His support base began to ebb away.


9 Comments on Trump Era Sees More Conservative Waves Overseas

  1. Sure. The rest of the world watches Trump cut deals that favour America while their assholes sell out to the Chinese, globalist and shithole dictators. Of course the rest of the world is waking up. I admire Poland for resisting and every time I meet a Pole I tell them so. Good people that have been screwed over too many times!

    Dear assholes, Fix your own shitholes just like western democracies did before universities started turning out SJW self destructive cuck fucks!

  2. to give the Euros credit, the Italians started rebelling against the EU before Trump, so did the Austrians & Swiss … but the rise of Trump gave everyone further courage to fight back

    thankful blessings to God for PDT

  3. Democracy through a Republic is what we have.

    Thank the Framers and Founders for that.

    I cringe when I here ‘democracy’ and not Republic when listening to ‘news’ reports.

    POTUS DJT is a wave, a MAJOR wave.



    Rather than live on your knees under the E.U., debt, and the laughable argument, “you need to bring in young brown 3rd worlders because your society is aging and they’ll take care of you.” –Yeah, slit your throat, wait for you to die, then take over your country your ancestors fought and developed for 1000s of years.

    Better to have your country totally collapse, at least you still own the ashes.

  5. Get rid of the bratwurst stuffed Merkel and her strong arm control over the EU and maybe Europe will stand a chance of coming back to their senses. At least until their next harebrained idea emerges.

  6. Gee Wally, just get her a Little Red Pickup Truck so she can drive herself crazy.
    Good idea Beave, but I think she’d be better off on a Harley to hide her Reno Shake…
    Yeah Wally, but how’s she gonna explain it when the engine if off?


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