Fast blast of fire for idiot antisemite – IOTW Report

Fast blast of fire for idiot antisemite

youtube- Tristan Morgan, 52, poured petrol through a window of the synagogue in Exeter, which dates back to 1763, causing a huge fireball to explode on July 21 last year. The force of the blast sent him reeling back, and set his hair on fire, which he can be seen patting down to extinguish as he calmly walks away. Morgan, a hospital radiographer – who had also composed and performed white supremacist songs under the pseudonym Arland Bran – was sectioned under the Mental Health act and given an indeterminate hospital order on Friday after pleading guilty to terrorism offences.

18 Comments on Fast blast of fire for idiot antisemite

  1. Tim, I don’t think “white supremacist” works either. I am thinking, “arsonist”. But I guess a “white” cannot break the law, attempt to do harm or damage other people’s shiite without being a supremacist! Sorry ass journalism.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. I don’t know why people hate the Jews so much. I don’t like the fact that they are overwhelmingly Democrats, but I don’t hate them for it. Why try to hurt them?

  3. Germane to the thread?

    Speaking as a “Goy” with thirty plus years in the jewelry industry I have ZERO experience of having ever been cheated or otherwise had dishonestly being present in any dealings with those in the business. But then that goes back to when everything was conducted with a hand shake and your word.

    The gentile population could do well to emulate some of the characteristics and morals I saw in the Jewish community. Sadly most can be found to be non practicing in any religion today. What’s the quote about the type of nation our founding fathers believed the government would work for…

  4. This clown gets an “indeterminate hospital” sentence for arson, and yet Tommy Robinson gets prison, not once, but twice for just asking a question.
    Seems fair…

  5. @Anymouse

    I am reminded of an experience on a bus in LA a few years ago. Three Jewish teenage boys got on the bus. They were students at a Jewish school, and all had the tassels on and other signs of being Jewish. When they got off at their stop, they profusely thanked the bus driver and called him “Sir”. I was very impressed with the good manners of those Jewish lads.

  6. “Tristan? so he’s a firebug that has a sissy name too? What a loser.”

    I suggest you read “Tristan and Isolde” (by some dead white dude) and “Tristan” by von Strassburg, and you’ll discover that Tristan was one BAD ASS – not a sissy by any stretch of the imagination.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. If that were a mosque, every white person within five miles would have been sent to sensitivity training.

    Since it’s a synagogue the guy gets a token stay in a funny farm, probably more for the careless way he started the fire — not for the fire itself.


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