Post Dated RIP – IOTW Report

Post Dated RIP


19 Comments on Post Dated RIP

  1. This needs to become a Hillary Clinton pre-obituary. It looked as though it was. Maybe some creative obits can be posted for her here. Before her time occurs, too.

  2. It’s the end of the line for this POS traitor. She has nothing to offer anyone anymore: no bribes to sell, no influence to peddle. Hopefully we’ll see her and her shitty family brought to justice before she dies a hopefully nightmarish death.

  3. I’ve noticed she’s been keeping a low profile in the democratic party dumpster fire. I wonder if someone in the FBI leaked some info to her and big Willie that his little willie might be in trouble.

  4. The Clintons were boo’d off stage while being introduced at a concert in Madison Square Garden the other evening. At first a polite clapping was heard then it was drowned out by the boo’s.
    No, the Clinton’s are done they just refuse to face it so far. Maybe jail will convince them.

  5. “Jeff! … Jeff! … the cab’s here to take you to Ft. Marcy Park! Jeff! … get out from under that bed! Wassa matta you?”

    “Time to die …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Hillary is often mentioned as worth about 100 million dollars…this obscene number is to trivialize her corruption…but her real net worth is about 3 billion dollars. Yes, she collapsed the purpose of her foundation and people believe that it and its purpose no longer exist. However, this is just smoke and mirrors and the 3 billion dollars is still extant, still hers….She needs to be imprisoned or we must stop fooling ourselves that Law really exists for all and that the Republic still exists.

  7. …no, they don’t need to. The SDNY didn’t suddenly wake up one day, put aside all their politics, and virtuosity decide to go after a Democrat who has OTHER democrats serviced by children because, justice.

    This is just the latest political ploy to attack the President and try to cast doubt on him. No Democrat is in danger because the Democrat prosecutor will meet in chambers with the Democrat defense attorney and the Democrat judge, and establish up front that Epstein will be acquitted, but ONLY if he spends a week in court FIRST using Mueller-like innuendo to suggest with no proof whatsoever that President Trump is a pedophile. It will basically be a TMZ episode with the trappings of a court of law, and CNN et. al. will cover it like it’s God handing down the Ten Commandments and every word is gospel.

    By the end of the trial, you will think that Pedophile Island was actually Republican Island, because they will testify about every time a Republican looked out the window of an airplane while flying near the place, with President Trump as it’s Mr. Roarke.

    No Democrats will be mentioned, except maybe to say how shocked they were at Trump’s behavior.

    …all in all, it will be a MASTERPIECE of projection, but nothing will change and no one will go to jail, but some people will fall for it and maybe the House will launch ANOTHER investigation. CNNMSNBCABCCBSLGBTQWERTULY will incessantly report on the baseless claims therein, and they will hope the old “lie repeated often enough becomes the truth” thing proves true next November.

    …no, I wouldn’t worry for Ebstein’s saftey.

    They need him to host the after-party at Comet Pizza.

  8. Obituary

    Hillary Rodham Clinton

    Loving mother of Chelsea Clinton and wife to former President Bill Clinton passed away suddenly in her cell at Leavenworth Federal Prison on Monday August 5, 2021. After the memorial service that included only her husband Bill and daughter Chelsea, she was cremated and her remains scattered off the coast of Libya. Her last words, according to her cellmate, were “I killed Sharon Tate”. Authorities are reviewing the evidence to determine if Mrs. Clinton was in Los Angeles around the time of the Manson Family murder spree.

  9. This morning at breakfast, I asked Lucifer why he had a one-night-stand on Valentine’s Day with Dorothy Rodham. With a big grin, he said, “Rosemary Woodhouse was busy.”

    Now you know… the rest of the story. 👿


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