Doug Jones’ (D- Alabama) Favorability in Decline Ahead of Tough Re-Election Fight – IOTW Report

Doug Jones’ (D- Alabama) Favorability in Decline Ahead of Tough Re-Election Fight

Doug Jones (AL-D)


Doug Jones (D., Ala.) has seen his unfavorability rating increase sharply alongside a decline in his favorability rating among Alabama voters since he took office, signaling a difficult battle for re-election.

Morning Consult’s polling showed Jones with a 39 percent favorability rating and a 37 percent unfavorability rating, with 24 percent of voters undecided. Yellowhammer News pointed out that this represented a 20-point swing for Jones since the first quarter of 2018. 47 percent of Alabama voters approved of Jones right after he took office, and just 25 percent viewed him unfavorably. more

SNIP: Curious about that picture above?

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5 Comments on Doug Jones’ (D- Alabama) Favorability in Decline Ahead of Tough Re-Election Fight

  1. Anon is correct, McConnell wanted someone to be loyal to him, in other words another ass kisser. He’d rather have a dem holding the seat than an independent thinking conservative.


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