“Thank you, xir, may I have another?” – IOTW Report

“Thank you, xir, may I have another?”

Kurt Schlichter doesn’t need to sit through another democrat debate, he understands their message the same as we all do – no matter what you say, do, or profess, you’re never going to be worthy and must be punished for who you are.

If that’s the case, how about another round of “The Donald,” leftists? 
See what you made us do?


7 Comments on “Thank you, xir, may I have another?”

  1. they don’t even realize they already lost. AGAIN!
    that’s the beauty of this round.
    all i want to know is when they threaten to leave and move to can-A-dia after their party looses, why don’t they just leave?

  2. My high school reunion was this weekend. They were begging people up to Saturday (“Join us for drinks after dinner”) because of the nastiness of leftists on FB towards conservatives made many of them stay away. (That and the fact that it was in the Bay Area.)

    Today someone in my class (who isn’t really a leftist) posted an article on FB about a Holocaust survivor who said that Trump’s America is just like Berlin in 1930. If this person was 10 in 1930 he would be almost 100 now. If he was 10 in 1940 he would be almost 90. What would a 10 year old know? And what would he be seeing that reminds him s of the rise of Nazism, unless he was talking about ANTIFA (which I doubt he was).

    I just commented, “Yeah. Uh-huh.”

  3. …I didn’t say I approved, @Monkey, or that it’ll win, just stating a fact. All this is just distraction from Mooch being this year’s Magic Negro for them.


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