Deli owner in California offered free side for every customer that said, “Send her back” – IOTW Report

Deli owner in California offered free side for every customer that said, “Send her back”

The mayor of Clayton, California wrote on Fecebook-

“I am very saddened to have seen a FB post by the owner of local deli this morning. We all have rights to our own political, religious, and other opinions. We all have a right to post about them too. However, there is no place in our community for hatred and bigotry. When hateful comments are being promoted as part of a local business, they reflect on our community’s reputation. As an elected official, who is also a woman and foreign-born, I personally find a comment about sending anyone back over their political opinions unacceptable.”

Great. Case-closed. Now STFU.


The post quickly drew backlash, and social media users proceeded to leave negative reviews on both the deli’s Facebook and Yelp page, which has since temporarily disabled the posting of reviews.

Sara Zendehnam

John Canesa just called me. He said he did a Facebook live explaining his situation after his Facebook post. He said he’s a father of 3 and has been dealing with threats after his post. You can find his live statement here: … @KTVU

Of course the left threatens death. It’s in their political DNA.

ht/ jd hasty

10 Comments on Deli owner in California offered free side for every customer that said, “Send her back”

  1. OH MAN!…A provocative restraunteur could have a field day with this…A send her back item on the menu…perhaps:…
    A frenched bone in pork chop with a stocking cap…
    A bone in ribeye with a zip code branded on it….
    Bacon wrapped potatoes that are carved into a hijab….
    Asparagus spears doing a FGM on a tuna steak….
    A chicken breast with tiny bacon rolls that look like a bomb vest….
    Corn dogs in goat forms….


    I wish I could say — SEND HER BACK. But I can’t say SEND HER BACK.

    So maybe what I’ll say instead of SEND HER BACK is she ought to go back to where she came from, skanky bin_.

  3. It is noted here that “Free Speech” is only allowed if it does NOT offend anyone. Such is the reality of hypocrites. Analytical thinkers are accused of being hateful because they don’t blindly accept information, but question its authenticity and accuracy. Independent conclusions that do not conform to the generalized consensus are typically denounced by those who are not willing, or able, to evaluate information contrary to standardized beliefs. Such beliefs are often worshiped as being absolutes, even if physical and scientific proofs show otherwise.

    The truth about Galileo and his conflict with the Catholic Church
    This year marks the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the investigation into the Italian astronomer
    Jessica Wolf | December 22, 2016
    “Today virtually every child grows up learning that the earth orbits the sun.
    But four centuries ago, the idea of a heliocentric solar system was so controversial that the Catholic Church classified it as a heresy, and warned the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei to abandon it.”

  4. Hm

    Start serving Sounder Back Ribs. “Satisfaction guaranteed or you can send ‘er back!”

    Legit and sounds so close it’s sure to trigger them anyway.

    For those who don’t know, a “Sounder” is what you call a group of hogs and their little piglets.

    Bonus that it’s pork, considering the congresswoman from another country who shall not be named.


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