Just because… – IOTW Report

Just because…

Never forget…

Also, the undercover cocaine deal video-

What a holy man.

After years of lying, Sharpton admits to being an informant-

10 Comments on Just because…

  1. How many of these so-called hate hoaxes and false rape allegations, false lynching allegations, false KKK/Nazi allegations made by mentally ill people do we gave to endure? And all these people, their attorneys and “community” grievance-mongers ever suffer is a slap on the wrist!

    Remember Crystal Gail Magnum and the Duke Lacrosse boys, too! Magnum was a stripper, prostitute, had been prosecuted for DUI/leading police on a high speed chase and received a whole three weekends of detention. She told so many lies it was ridiculous and Jesse Jackson jumped on that opportunity to make a big name for Rainbow Push AND offered to pay for her full tuition at Duke even if her story was fabricated!

  2. Tawana don’tcha wanna?? As a good friend use to say may he RIP.

    Steve Pagones and family were destroyed because of Al ‘the fake, phony fraud’ Sharpie Sharp Jackson, I remember the days of him walking around NYC with a ‘jump’ suit on and bling hanging from his neck. FAT as all hell.

    DJT as a New Yawker himself as well, knows allll about Al’s shenanigans and we have someone actually now calling him out for it.

    Fuck him.

    btw tawana very eighties hair doo…and supposed goo.

  3. I wents fo protec-shuns and sheit! I was sellin baby laca–lacks– lacks-uh-tiv mix wif battry acids, I was. I was afeart dem muffukkas woult KEEL MAH ASS!


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