The Deafening Dog Whistle Only Chris Matthews Can Hear – IOTW Report

The Deafening Dog Whistle Only Chris Matthews Can Hear

John Nolte at Breitbart

Matthews heard the word “rats” and on Monday not only immediately thought of “Jews,” he proudly admitted the Jews were the first thing to come to [his] troubled mind:

Infested, infested, infested… It’s a word… It’s vermin, it’ a Hitlerian term. You go back and read Goebbels and all that stuff, it’s all about the Jews in that case. It’s the use of the word vermin — infested, he’s obsessed with this thing, about cities.

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12 Comments on The Deafening Dog Whistle Only Chris Matthews Can Hear

  1. ……I’m sorry. My brain is temporarily out of order. I’m beyond having the DeForest Kelly face. My brain actually throbbed trying to comprehend this guy…

    so I guess I’m done for the day.



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