Now I’ve see-saw it all – IOTW Report

Now I’ve see-saw it all

This has to be see-saw to be believed.

ht/ michelle’s big beaver

32 Comments on Now I’ve see-saw it all

  1. as compared to the jungle gym and monkey bars the mexicans climb over?

    How about a catapult or trebucha (sp?) on our side facing south. That’d be a lot of fun too.

  2. Sunland Park NM, where the state had to step in and replace the mayor and chief of police because they were on the payroll of the Mexican drug cartel. On the positive side, it is also where 3/4 of a mile of new border fence was built with private donations.

  3. At night, illegal alien circus acrobats (acrobads?) will use it to vault over the top of the fence. All it’d take would be some fellow illegals on the US side to form a human pyramid and have the top guy jump onto the north end of the spring board. Univision will televise it, I’m sure.

  4. If you haven’t noticed see-saws in parks are a thing of the past. New parks are designed sans see-saws and old parks that had them have removed them. Apparently, in this new age of helicopter parenting see-saws are litigation machines.

    But not at the border. At the border a see-saw is a PhD granting machine. There needs to be a “Decline of Western Civilization Part III: ‘Academia'”

    The metal heads & punk rockers interviewed in Decline of Western Civ I & II will look like Aristotle & Socrates compared to what is coming out of Universities these days.

  5. Awww … ain’t that sweet?
    See, if the l’il chillens could just teeter-totter-togedder the worl wud jus be wun happy, bu-shappy place! “We are the world! We are the chillens!”

    Course, the honky chillens gotza git dere parents to buy the teeter-totter, soze dat da l’il latin lupe lu can play on it!

    And the baby lambs will lie down with the baby wolves … but only the baby wolves will get up …

    The world be like a Bambi movie!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Diana,

    Agreed. We no longer live in a meritocracy at all. Meritocracy and identity politics are zero sum. Last week an Af-Am woman was named president of the AMA. Sorry, don’t care. It’s not a meritocracy so I’m not impressed. Not at all

  7. Catapulting illegals back across the fence sounds like a lot of fun.

    We need a word to call them when they’re launched, like “Flying Burrito Brothers”.

  8. …there’s a library on both sides of the US/CAN border that Americans can enter on the South side, Canadians can enter on the North side, and they can study together the whole time they’re there…but you can not EXIT on the opposite side without a passport.

    …where’s the poignant stories about Canadian students coldly denied entry to the US to contine to play with their new-found freinds, huh? Grr, that Trump, denying suffering Canucks asylum…

  9. I, too, noticed the filth on the Mexican side while the U.S. side is spotlessly clean..

    We should use impounded drug money to build the wall. A big trebuchet to fling the illegals back over the existing wall also sounds good.

  10. American and illegal kids play together at US schools every day in most states. Only a liberal fool (pardon my redundancy) would think this was not a sincerely stupid idea.

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