Democrats Complain About ‘Republican Talking Points’ Being Used Against Them – IOTW Report

Democrats Complain About ‘Republican Talking Points’ Being Used Against Them


Four Democratic presidential candidates complained that Republican or right-wing “talking points” were being employed against them over the past two nights of debates.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.), and former Obama housing secretary Julián Castro all used the phrase in response to pointed questions about liberal positions.

Former Rep. John Delaney (D., Md.) noted Tuesday that single-payer health care would eliminate private health insurance plans, wondering, “Why do we got [sic] to be the party of taking something away from people?”

“We are the Democrats,” Warren said. “We are not about trying to take away health care from anyone. That’s what the Republicans are trying to do. And we should stop using Republican talking points in order to talk with each other about how to best provide that health care.”

Sanders accused CNN moderator Jake Tapper of using a “Republican talking point” in a later question about health care. When former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D.) criticized aspects of the Green New Deal as being a distraction from battling climate change, Warren trotted out the line again. read more

19 Comments on Democrats Complain About ‘Republican Talking Points’ Being Used Against Them

  1. These candidates sound like complete and udder boobs. Except for the New Ager. They make her sound rational.

    hey, I’m dumber than you!

    “No you’re not and I’ll prove it”

    Oh yeah?

  2. I hate to alarm you little snowflakes, but whomever emerges from your trainwreck vs. shortbusclowncar primary are going to face ‘republican talking points’, also known as the truth about your positions and record.

    Put on your big boy/big girl/big tranny/big, um. Whatever pants.

    because you are about to be annihilated, torn asunder, and left for dead. In 16 months. Perpetual campaigning will not be your friend.

  3. A talking point would be to focus on something an opponent proposed and pointing out the errors with the proposition.
    If Dems don’t like their propositions talked about then the solution is to stop proposing such stupid shit!
    (like that will ever happen – they are enveloped in stupid)

  4. Wait a minute, you already took healthcare during the Obama administration!
    The lefties have morphed from human into feral mobs, it will take more than words to stop them.

  5. …none of them have to worry about dealing with Republican talking points in the general election, since “Michelle” Obama will be their candidate, nominated from the floor and carried by acclaim.

    …and Mooch will answer them with “you’re a racistsexist”, so “she” ain’t worried about ’em, either…

  6. With ineptitude comes excuses, none of these communist swine are worth the price of the smokeless powder it would take to remove them from the gene pool.
    However, rope on the other hand is reusable….

  7. What I find most irritating of all is when conservatives try to shoehorn Democrat lunacy into some sort of rational context so that it can be debated against. It’s like having someone say “the sky is pizza” and spending the next fifteen minutes listening to someone else try to rebut them.

  8. Mike Obama as candidate?

    Yo Mike. Couldn’t you have flushed the morning you were evicted from 1600? Shit. At least hit the ceiling fan?

    Good golly. I need some fresh air.

    But yeah. Run for President. By all means. It’ll be fun.
    It will be great to review thw Obana ‘accomplishments’ and your reckless and capricious abuse of taxpayer funded travel and longing. All that stuff.

    Looking forward to it. Come on in. The water’s fine.

  9. I find it a little scary that they have learned something. They actually were listening to us when we excused them of spouting the left’s talking points. But instead of learning to think for themselves and coming up with a coherent thought, they discovered a way to try to shut us up.

    They didn’t expect that there is something behind our talking points. The reason: for them, they don’t have anything to back up theirs.

    Won’t they be surprised to find out that WE can think for ourselves, unlike them.

    So, that’s what they were trying during the debates – trying to shut their fellow idiots up by accusing them of talking points like they are by us when they do get shut up.

    They don’t realize it makes them look like fools. Or should I say, shows them up as the fools that they are.


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