Nick Di Paolo Does Smack Down On The Detroit Debates – IOTW Report

Nick Di Paolo Does Smack Down On The Detroit Debates

Acerbic Comedian Nick Di Paolo took a look at the first batch of democrat hopefuls this week and offers up his usual astute, if not entirely PC, take on the proceedings. Warning: Strong Language. Watch

And here’s round two:

Tulsi Gabbard Vs Kamala Harris Makes Nick’s Day

6 Comments on Nick Di Paolo Does Smack Down On The Detroit Debates

  1. Couldn’t watch it: too turned off by those phonies and MORONS in the debate.

    F**k williamson and her b.s. about race. Let her cadaverous face speak for herself. She have a boatload of guilt – that none of us here buy into. She must be on hell of a racist.

  2. Even though I couldn’t vote for her, I bet I’ve watched Tulsi Gabbard deliver that knockout blow to Kamala Harris ten times now. Just wait till someone brings up Willie Whatshisname, Horizontal Harris will be yesterday’s news.

  3. joe6pak- I’ve seen some Kamala/Willie pictures today. Back in the day when she had curly hair and everything.

    Before she unlatched Willie’s mattress from her back, dyed her hair, straightened it and acted like she was a different person. LOL.

  4. Anonymous – That bitch is crazy. I was just saying that she was cult-y Jim Jones crazy.

    Notice all of 0prah’s new age friends have either killed people or have had ‘incidents’?
    Marianne’s next. Let her gather her idiots and take them to some tropical shithole and leave the rest of us alone. She can be faith leader president of gilligan’s island.


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