0 Chance of zer0bama Running for Preezy in 2020 – IOTW Report

0 Chance of zer0bama Running for Preezy in 2020

The Hill – Former first lady Michelle Obama is pouring cold water on calls for her to run for president, saying she believes there are other ways for her to help the country. 

“Just between us, and the readers of this magazine — there’s zero chance,” Obama said in an interview with The National, Amtrak’s travel and culture magazine, that was published Friday.

“There are so many ways to improve this country and build a better world, and I keep doing plenty of them, from working with young people to helping families lead healthier lives. But sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office will never be one of them. It’s just not for me.” 

Obama, who has been lionized by the Democratic base even after her eight years as first lady, saw her popularity skyrocket further after the release of her best-selling memoir, “Becoming.”

She has repeatedly made it clear she has no interest in running for the White House, however, despite repeated calls or suggestions for her to do so.

“Everybody watching this right now knows she is a beloved American and she would go in there and she would beat him,” filmmaker Michael Moore said Thursday when asked who he thought could unseat President Trump.

“She would beat him in the debates, he wouldn’t be able to bully her, he wouldn’t be able to nickname her,” he added. “She takes the stage and she’s so powerful and so good you just look at that and think of course she could win.”


He wouldn’t be able to nickname her because we covered all of them already.

26 Comments on 0 Chance of zer0bama Running for Preezy in 2020

  1. …this is just more set up for the “reluctant ruler” trope. This is Julius Caesar thrice refusing the crown, Cincinnatis reluctant to leave the plow, Moses trying to convince God he’s not the man for the job…but all phony, all stagecraft so “she” can be “drafted” and “reluctantly thrust onto the world stage” in an attempt to make “her” seem humble and self-depreciating when the reality is that “she’s” anything BUT.

    …being “drafted” makes it seem “she” was chosen by popular acclaim, and also lets “her” get around sucking on the issues by claiming “she” was unprepared because “she” hadn’t planned to run.

    It also allows “her” to pop off as nasty as “she” wants to be with President Trump, as “she” is just a po’ li’l Black “woman” who’s only there brcause all the people of the world called upon “her” as the only one who could unify the Democrats and stop the Bad Orange Man.

    “She” just checks too many boxes for the Dems, and if nothing else, brings the Black vote to heel, which is their BIGGEST worry right now.

    …so no, “she’s” not out of it. This is just the seed to eet people thinking about “her”, it will snowball from here, or maybe “Blackball” is more appropriate in THIS case…

  2. She’s not running. There’s cash to be grifted elsewhere, she has no patience, no class, no grace, and she’s lazy.
    You’re not going to tell her she has to sit in an office and do some work.
    Look what happened at her hospital ‘job’!

  3. MJA is right, no way is she running or will consent to be nominated. You thought Barack was thin-skinned, Michelle is hair-triggered. She is also privileged, selfish, narcissistic, flighty, and not at all accomplished.

    What she does have going for her is a vast leftist audience that just loves to read anything she writes, ghostwritten or not. When all is said and done she will have made more money than her deadbeat husband.

  4. The Obamas got away with minimal scrutiny the first time and she knows that they’ll never be allowed that luxury again, they’ll comb over everything and rehash all the stuff she thought was tucked safely away.

  5. Throughout the oblowme regime I tried to completely avoid the subject of that woman, and I rarely commented on her looks, her wardrobe, etc (except that one bizarre thing she wore with the backward-lacing sweater — that thing hanging out the back that looked like a lace table cloth). How many millions of MY money did she blow on vacations with 50 of her closest friends (while me and my family stayed home for 8 years for vacation)? What was the final tally? $20 million, $45 million? How many staffers to pluck her unibrow and plump her pillows? 26? 28? How much did it cost us to house and feed her mother for 8 years? And supply Secret Service to her? All toted up, any guesses as to how much that family cost us?

    It still makes me sick to think of it. And it makes me sick to think of her and the rest of those ingrates making The People’s House theirs again. Never. Ever. Again.

  6. Seeing as how there isn’t one electable democrat candidate in the race currently, she remains a very viable “white knight” to be drafted in the convention.

    I wouldn’t rule her out, despite her denials to the contrary.

    Besides, Valerie Jarrett wants to regain her power and representation of Iranian interests.

  7. Big Mike – kudos to whomever created that nickname, might be focused on 2024. The obviously glaring flaws of the First Hatey – another good nickname, won’t matter to the left. The freakier, the better.

    According to the left, “they” will let Trump have another term – it’s a waiting game. After Mr. Trump’s presidency all bets are off, unless God is merciful one more time. This country is teetering towards self destruction.

  8. He would never pass the Presidential physical exam.

    Plus, they’ve already given those “daughters” back to their real parents Marty Nesbitt and Anita Blanchard.

    Oh, look them up.


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