Man brings pup back to life with cpr – IOTW Report

Man brings pup back to life with cpr

9 Comments on Man brings pup back to life with cpr

  1. My wife and I, when the cat had puppies — six of them, no less — had to break all of the kittens out of their amniotic sacs. The queen cat simply dropped them all over the house.

    My wife even did CPR on two of them… the two what became huge toms.

    Good work!

  2. I remember my wife looking at me. Upside down. With her entrails on a sterile tray. I wasn’t supposed to see that. I can’t un-see it.

    Carefully opening amniotic sacs is quite like doing

    I was going to make some kind of equivalence, but I realized I was full of shit.

    Do your job. Do it to the utmost. It’s not just a job.

  3. The French dude who accidentally called my number tonight from a different time zone thinking I was his Grindr date was a dog lover. Don’t know how we got to talking so long but when he asked me if I’d red eye it to his place so we could listen to folk records together while talking about various art forms I quickly hung up on him. But he has my number so I don’t think this will be the last time I hear from him.

  4. @ Jerry Manderin AUGUST 4, 2019 AT 12:07 AM

    As someone who has been hit on by gay guys for decades, That was a classic tactic – “It’s not really a date, we’re just hanging out together. At my place. Alone. For hours”.

    Regard it all as you wish, but seeing it from his perspective, he was trying to hook up with a male stranger and you haven’t rejected him yet. I think he’ll call again until he hears a clear no. Maybe the quick hangup was enough. ¯\_(?)_/¯

    About 15% of my customer base are gay. One thing I learned over the years is that the only people I have a problem with doesn’t even matter what sexuality they have. Male or female – if you can’t stop hitting on me after I’ve told you it aint going to happen – we can’t be friends.


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