Wokescream – IOTW Report


Hailing from Vermont, their love for Bernie Sanders and his particular flavor of socialism is no secret. In 2016, Cohen formulated “Bernie’s Yearning,” a name that will forever be uncomfortable to say. While the flavor remained “unofficial” and was not created for mass production, it shares a lot of similarities with the one announced this week. Both will have a thick layer of chocolate on the top that the creators claim “represents all the wealth that has risen to the top 1%.” Eating instructions (because apparently, people need to be told how to eat commie-flavored ice cream) indicate that you are supposed to break the chocolate into “into lots of pieces” and mix it into the ice cream itself.

But the difference between “Bernie’s Yearning” and “Bernie’s Back” is the “butter toffee backbone going down the middle.”

“The chocolate disc represents all the wealth that has risen to the top 1%,” reads a description on the Bernie Sanders website. “The backbone represents Bernie’s steadfast determination to un-rig our economy. And the hot cinnamon is our political revolution holding politicians’ feet to the fire to make America work for working people of all races and genders.”


clever visual, to be sure.

28 Comments on Wokescream

  1. the chocolate on the top represents the shit on the sidewalk below, which is represented by the ice cream. The crunchy backbone is made up of desiccated petrified rat corpses.

  2. A butter-toffee backbone would be yellow, wouldn’t it?
    B & J fail to realize that in Bernie’s socialist government, their business most likely wouldn’t have survived.
    Or even begun.

  3. At some point, the tide comes in. In this case, a lot of people are realizing that being armed is probably a good idea, regardless of politics. I think that attitude wins the day and the election.

    But our government’s crimes – and the fate of our corrupt, politically-run fiat-money-based, crony-capitalist economy which will bankrupt itself on Medicare alone – that’s a whole ‘nother problem. That one IS going to get us.

  4. “break the chocolate ‘into lots of pieces’ and mix it into the ice cream itself”

    In other words. . .

    You do all the work and they get to charge double the price.

  5. Ah, screw B & J and their Bernie ice cream.

    If you’d like something with Bernie’s picture on it that is a lot more useful, and is pretty entertaining. Take a look at Nathan (founder of Noodlers Ink) describe the label art work on his bottles of BERNing Red ink !

    BERNing Red – from the “left handed” ink series.
    [a red ink for lefties that dries fast. (for people that feel) Bernanke did not bern the dollar fast enough] Bernie wants Nikita to try Vermont ice cream but Nikita wants Bernie to try Russian kholodets.

    https://youtu.be/eIXyBr3-af0?t=461 .

  6. Sorry but i’m going to correct MJA’s use of language.
    ‘Those aren’t raisins’ needs to be ‘Dem ain’t raisins’.

    /Hair splitting over.

    I haven’t bought dem commies crap ice cream in over two decades.
    Also, the chocolate layer on top with the piss yellow backbone should have been introduced in 2008. (If you know what i mean).


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