Demand for bulletproof backpacks surging in the wake of shootings: report – IOTW Report

Demand for bulletproof backpacks surging in the wake of shootings: report

If it comes with a gun you might have something here…

The Hill-

Bulletproof backpacks are reportedly rising in popularity as shootings increase across the nation and in the wake of two weekend massacres that left more than 30 people dead.

More companies are offering bulletproof backpacks for students as they gear up to go back to school as a means of protection if a potential threat were to enter their classroom, The New York Times reports.

The shields, which can cost up to $200, started becoming more in-demand after the Parkland, Fla., school shooting in 2018. After the El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, shootings over the weekend, the products are back in the spotlight — especially as many students are days and weeks away from the new school year.

J.T. Lewis, a 19-year-old student at the University of Connecticut and the brother of one of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims, carried an armored backpack on campus to make him feel safer, the Times reports.

“I don’t know if it’s going to have any effect,” Lewis, who’s running for a seat in the Connecticut State Senate, told the Times. “But it might if I get shot from behind.”


18 Comments on Demand for bulletproof backpacks surging in the wake of shootings: report

  1. every citizen has the right to be as tactically armored as their local constabulary … that’s my platform!

    hey, if health care is a right, so is this! … the far end of personal health care

    every little Nimrod should have full-body armor, issued on first day of school! Show that you care … Make them wear!

  2. Nothing is going to happen except rhetoric.

    The reasonable solution is the ‘Red Flag’ solution but on a very restrictive basis that respects a person’s rights up to the point of plenty of evidence that he is a dire and immediate threat. There has to be a huge burden of proof. And while such legislation is possible I don’t think it is with our current Congress.

    Meanwhile, in the grand scheme the events of last weekend are a blip, nothing new and so powerful that it will (or should) lead to drastic change.

  3. Shootings increase because of liberal rhetoric, deaths from those shootings increase because of liberal policies that prevent the innocent from protecting themselves.

  4. shooting are going to increase because our society is producing too many males that don’t have an outlet for their testosterone-laden (even w/ this over-saturated soy diet) aggression (not enough crusades … as in the Civil War, Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII). humans are mammals, not really in chemistry very different than chimpanzees or rats. all are social groups w/ similar behaviors … for the most part, males are hunters & females are gatherers (excluding female soccer players … is there any more reason we in the US don’t like that sport?) … ‘progressive’ society cannot change behavioral chemistry (not w/out millions of years of evolutionary change)

    libtards deny & do not want to wrap their heads around this because it proves the fallacy of their ‘movement’. even if all guns were banned & confiscated, down to the last existing bullet (except for LEO’s, of course) we would still experience the mass killings of the ostracized male … reference Muzzies w/ trucks in France, Muzzies w/ airliners in US … actually, Muzzie males, emasculated since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, are the forefront of this phenom

    … apologies for the rant … I’ll get off my soapbox now … thank you for your indulgence

  5. What are the NIJ ratings for these “bulletproof” fad items?

    Betcha they won’t stop rifle rounds of .30 or more, and likely not do more than slow down a .223/5.56 a little bit.

    Can your parents say, “false sense of security,” boys and girls?

  6. But you have to admit Uncle Al, actually you don’t have to admit to anything, that the thing everybody wants, but nobody needs is the way to make money.

    It doesn’t even matter if the stupid thing works. Which, of course, it can’t possibly work.

    It’s brilliant, stupid, and sinful. But then again… is fleecing retards sinful?

    O Henry called it graft. Never give a sucker an even break.

  7. FYI – I just checked, and a backpack-sized plate that will stop a 5.56/.223 round weighs 10-12 lbs. There is a newer material that provides the same bullet resistance and weighs only about 4.5 lbs., but it is made to order and I can’t find how long it takes to actually get your hands on one.

  8. @Anonymous(10:38 PM) – Oh, I have no problem at all with those selling the backpacks as long as they don’t make fraudulent claims about them. The ones I have any kind of problem with are those buying the things with stupid unrealistic expectations.

    Personally, if I had a school aged kid I wanted to keep safe, I’d want him to carry a gun.

  9. America spends 30 billion dollars a year on vitamins. Barring scurvy this is 29 billion spent on bullshit.

    Then let’s look at cosmetics. That’s nearly 100 billion. 100% bullshit.

    Of course a bulletproof backpack works just as well as a cosmetic. The blackguard shoots you in the back with #4 shot and you go down like a sack of shit because you get some balls in the back of your neck, and in your spine, in your skull, your ass.

    People, by and large, are fucking stupid.

  10. Liken a bulletproof backpack to a 2700 dollar grill (for cooking food) or a big TV.

    “My skillet cost me…”

    The same morons in the music business.

    Your Stratocaster won’t make you a fine guitar player. Your fucking Selmer won’t make you Paul Desmond.

    But you can be proud of your backpack because you are “doing something”.

    fuck off

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