Black Trump Voters Reject the Left’s Charge of Trump Racism – IOTW Report

Black Trump Voters Reject the Left’s Charge of Trump Racism

ht/ woody

9 Comments on Black Trump Voters Reject the Left’s Charge of Trump Racism

  1. The right has no idea how to win political arguments.

    The value of the internet is that it has allowed people to fight like hell on a massive scale. And through this, successful methods of fighting can be deduced.

    And it is a truism that going on defense in an internet argument is a sure losing strategy. The way to win is to be on offense.

    Why are we always playing on the leftard field and trying to defend ourselves against their accusations of racism? It’s madness. We need to be on the offensive.

    The left is a criminal organization. The back illegal immigration. The whole party does. This makes them nothing but a pack of degenerate criminals.

    We should be calling them out as a pack of criminals at least once over thirty seconds of conversation. Let them try to defend themselves from that. F them.

    Also, with regard to racism. We should be constantly pointing out that they hate white people and they’re a bunch of racists.
    If they call you a racist. Say “why, because i’m white”! and then call them a filthy racist. Make the accusation of racism so prevalent in every conversation that the term becomes ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS.

    Thats how you win the arguments.

    If you think this is wrong, then just consider that every new gun law is a law to take guns away. Never a law to make guns more available.

    We are losing. Duh.

    I just showed you a way to win.

  2. I sure would like to see some high profile members of any minority community come out and declare “I STAND WITH 45!” Its going to take individuals in the the minority community to pressure their leaders, mayors, governors, congresscritters, religious leaders, they all need to hear from the people they represent. Making a YouTube video, tweeting a twat, isn’t enough. You must take action to better our communities! Look what happened in Baltimore this week, individuals of all backgrounds started the monumental task of cleaning the city up. That is what it will take, individuals coming out and making a difference by contributing to the well being of our cities and towns. If we all wait for the government they will continue to rob us blind.

  3. Watched this last week. Great video. The tide has turned and the Demwits know it. They can’t count on 97% of the black vote anymore and even the illegals may have figured out – Orangeman good!

  4. Uncle JOe’s KGB figured that a good way to destroy America would be to smear America lovers as bigots – 80 years ago. So all the KGB controlled orgs started calling America lovers “Racists” – Some KGB controlled orgs from 1940: Pulitzer, NYT, Wa Post.
    they concurred with the Socialist Workers that if they told a lie often enough folk would believe the lie a fact!

  5. stop playing defense.

    A House committee has just told the owner of 8chan he must appear in front of their committee. Both the dem leader and the republican leader of the committee agreed.
    They want to know why he didn’t “tackle” white supremecist content.

    Oh, maybe because white supremecist content is just as legal as homo content. Why is he supposed to be “tackling” white supremecist content?

    The mass shooter somewhere else just a few weeks ago was a tranny. So how come they’re not trying to “tackle” queer content on the web?
    Today the wapo says that if conservatives want to keep guns, they’ll have to figure out a way to stop mass shootings.

    See? The anti american tyrannical authoritarian scum on the left wants to piss all over the constitution.

    Go on offense you weak willed goofs!

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