Asinine-Twitter locks Mitch McConnell Account after posting videos of threats made to him – IOTW Report

Asinine-Twitter locks Mitch McConnell Account after posting videos of threats made to him

The Hill-

Twitter locks McConnell campaign account after posting video of protester shouting threats, profanities

The Hill-

Twitter has locked the account for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell‘s (R-Ky.) campaign after it shared a video of a protester’s profanity-laced rant outside the senator’s home. 

A Twitter spokesperson told The Hill that the @Team_Mitch account was locked because a tweet “violated our violent threats policy, specifically threats involving physical safety.”

McConnell campaign manager Kevin Golden told The Hill that the account was locked Wednesday morning “for posting the video of real-world, violent threats made against Mitch McConnell.”

The McConnell campaign on Tuesday shared a video featuring protesters demonstrating outside the Kentucky senator’s home. The video included Black Lives Matter Louisville leader Chanelle Helm repeatedly cursing and stating that she wished the GOP leader had “broken his little, raggedy, wrinkled-ass neck” instead of injuring his shoulder last weekend, the Louisville Courier-Journal reported.

Helm later said, “Just stab the motherf—er in the heart” after a man made a reference to a voodoo doll. The comment quickly went viral on social media. 

McConnell was believed to be at home recovering; his office said Sunday that the senator fractured his shoulder after tripping at home on his patio. 

“This is a problem with the speech police in America today,” Golden said in response to the account’s suspension. “Twitter will allow the words of ‘Massacre Mitch’ to trend nationally on their platform but locks our account for posting actual threats against us. We appealed and Twitter stood by their decision, saying our account will remain locked until we delete the video.”

An aide to the McConnell campaign said the account was still locked as of Wednesday evening and that Twitter had said it would remain that way until the post was deleted. The aide added that Twitter had taken the video down but that the campaign was still being asked to delete the tweet officially.

Twitter’s guidelines say that users may not post content on the platform featuring violent threats, regardless of context. The company also says that any glorification of violence violates its policies. 


15 Comments on Asinine-Twitter locks Mitch McConnell Account after posting videos of threats made to him

  1. I would bet serious cash that Jussie Smollett’s account hasn’t been suspended due to a HOAX that never happened.

    Documented, REAL live threats to Mitch McConnell…SUSPENDED!

    I wish these shooters would go after the real threat to society.

  2. Don”t come crying to us, mcconnell. You sold us out to obama for 8 years. Go run t that clown to defend you.

    The sooner mcconnell and his chi commm wife are gone, the better

  3. Anonam-ass, McConnell is confirming conservative judges at a record pace that will serve for the next 50+ years.


    PS, why be anonymous, just call yourself ‘LeftistTool’
    I believe that nom de plume is still available on iotw

  4. “Twitter’s guidelines say that users may not post content on the platform featuring violent threats, regardless of context.”

    That’s why Antifa, the Muslims, and other assorted violent leftists are not allowed to use it.

  5. Use Twatters own rules against them. Force them to play by their own rules. Go full Alinsky on them.

    If you see a Leftist twatter account pushing violence and “hate speech” against us Conservatives, REPORT THEM TO TWATTER. Sand the acct be locked, the video taken down, claim your safe space has been triggered, yada yada

    Then create dozens of fake ywatter accounts and keep a log of them so you can keep their details straight. Don’t post your own stuff on these fake accts. Just use them to track the Lefts favorite evil topics: illegal aliens, so called white supremacy/ racism, abortion, environmentalism, tranny-ism, “gay rights”, the violent Black lives matter group, BDS movement & Mohammedanism.

    Did I miss anything?

  6. The only way to stop Jack and his left crusade is to stop Twitter via cyber attacks by black hat skilled but white hat actual programmers. When Twitter can no longer be a reliable platform (random downtime, account content mixed, pics lost, comments mis-attributed etc etc then people will leave to go to another platform that does not lean politically to either side.


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