Movie Showing Lefties Hunting Down Trump Supporters Slated to Hit Theaters in September – IOTW Report

Movie Showing Lefties Hunting Down Trump Supporters Slated to Hit Theaters in September


A movie showing liberals stalking supporters of President Donald Trump is slated to be released in September but has lost an advertisement on ESPN in the wake of two mass shootings on Aug. 3 and Aug. 4.

The movie, “The Hunt,” from Universal Pictures, shows people hunting down “deplorables,” a term failed presidential contender Hillary Clinton used to describe supporters of Trump during the 2016 campaign.

“Did anyone see what our [expletive]-in-chief just did?” one character asks others early in the movie, reported the Hollywood Reporter. “At least The Hunt’s coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables.”

According to the Reporter, the movie’s script features blue-state characters choosing to hunt red-state characters who expressed pro-life positions or were deemed racist.


27 Comments on Movie Showing Lefties Hunting Down Trump Supporters Slated to Hit Theaters in September

  1. I kinda like the premise. If I’m following the movie trailer right.

    Blue state elites kidnap deplorables, hunt them, kidnap the wrong deplorable, get their asses kicked in visually exciting and excessively bloody ways.

    What’s not to like?

  2. Brilliant movie theme! Coming for us with guns? Here are Marxists’ biggest problems.

    . 90+ million armed Patriots
    . 400 million guns
    . 8 trillion bullets
    . 70% of active military & Veterans
    . 60% of law enforcement
    . Weapons mfgs. are mostly right wing traditionalists
    . Ammunition mfgs. are mostly right wing traditionalists
    . Two thirds of the military voted for Trump…

    They have tofu, soy milk, free stuff, rainbow flags and now this insane movie idea. A Civil War II will not end well for them.
    … …

  3. …not like they haven’t done this before. I remember when “Django Unchained” came out which was a slavery era based, Black revenge fantasy aggressively marketed to Black people, that they interviewed people leaving the theatres who gleefully talked about how they themselves would like to go around “eating beans, and killing White people” (a line from the movie).

    The press at the time thought this naked race hatred and inchoate race-based death threatening was funny and cute.

    No stats are available for how many LIVED their dream. It wouldn’t fit the story the media wants to tell, then or now…

    …just Hollywood fanning the flames, keeping hate alive, and doing the Democrats’ bidding.

    …but no, look over HERE, Trump-led White Nationalism that zero evidence exists for is the problem…

  4. RogueOps, we can look back in history and find many examples of guys who couldn’t punch their way out of a paper bag, who still managed to slaughter millions.

  5. And these are the tolerant, love beats hate, please use jazz hands to clap because I’m so sensitive souls that are chasing down law abiding constitutional loving people and slaughtering them. I’m sure they’ll forget their sensitivities and be hooting and hollering with glee watching this crap.

  6. Hollyweird gets it wrong again. Per that thumb nail pic, one of the basic rules of firearm safety is to NOT put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire.

    They will never learn and never mind the constant pushing of GUN violence.

  7. I may have to publicly boycott this anti American movie just we did with The Last Temptation of Christ 20 some years ago. It’s time to take a stand and publicly let hollyweird know that we’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

  8. Screw ESPN, they’re just another Disney front. You want to stop this? Cancel your families Disney vacation. There are plenty of places to take the kids rather then over-priced and under serviced Disney wallet hoovers. They’ll listen once the problems with the Star Wars franchise become evident to even those morons running the joint and Disney Hotel bookings are down 15%. That will be their “come to Jesus point”

  9. Nothing better than going out to the ghetto and slaughtering a dozen Negroes.

    Has there ever been a similar line uttered by the hero of a major motion picture in the 90 year history of talking movies? Even in the 1920’s when membership in the KKK numbered in the millions?

  10. Come to think of it, has anyone ever uttered such a vicious sentiment against a group that could completely wipe them out?

    The sheer insanity behind this project is almost as scary as the nastiness. The dumbest animals aren’t even remotely this stupid. Has there ever been a hyena that thought, “Wouldn’t it be a hoot to go fuck with that 500 lb male lion.”

  11. The trailer looks like the usual blood and gore movie, any nonsensical idea as a vehicle to carry flying bits of body tissue will do. Not the kind of thing that attracts me, but I also never got the whole Walking Dead cult thing either. Actress Hillary Swank must have been desperate to get back on the screen to star in this low budget horror show.

  12. …How is this not considered a propaganda film???
    It’s literally a violent fantasy film, stirring up bloodlust and inciting violence in the minds of potentially unstable leftists who are already spinning rapidly out of control in small mobs and random acts of hatred against a person wearing a goddman red hat.

    I feel nauseous.

  13. I think it’s time we the Trump supporters get together and start making plans on having war with the lefties. It’s time to get this country back in order. These scums are taking our law officers down we need to hunt them down.

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