How’s it hangin’? – IOTW Report

How’s it hangin’?

Have a good one seems to be the favored expression for Floridians

40 Comments on How’s it hangin’?

  1. This reminds me of working at PAX. I entered a site and was asked, “Can I help you?”

    I responded, innocently, “No, thank you, I know where it is.”

    Then he blocked my path, brought me to a complete stop, and asked, “What are you doing here?”

    Don’t use, “Can/May I help you?” to mean, “What are you doing here?”.

    That’s douche.

    When I found unauthorized people in my space (not that I was unauthorized in that situation) I never went to THE STORE GREETING. I went straight to WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN THIS SPACE.

  2. The answer is “level.” But this little dick want’s no conversation whatsoever. Fuck off. Howya doin.’ What’sup, Whereya been? Fugetaboutit, Gettafuckouttahere!
    Like when a young student told Aristotle that Diogenes was banging his wife, Aristotle didn’t say gettofuckouttahere, he said “Is that a fact.” We’ve come a long way.
    The question was “howerthey hangin”?

  3. I showed an apartment today and met eight different people for the showing. Each one came separately. Rewinding back in my head my greeting was basically “nice to meet you, (name)” with the shake of a hand, a smile, and a look in the eyes. Upon departure, thinking back about it, I used a similar type of expression, “it was a pleasure to meet you, (name)”, along with a goodbye handshake, a smile, and a look in the eye.

    I’m confused, I thought I was doing this correctly?!

  4. If after I say ‘Thank You’ to one more retail clerk or waiter and they respond ‘No Problem”, I’m gonna punch em in the F**Kin’ throat! It’s not their place to tell me there’s no problem. They’re waiting on me. Who started the Sh*T anyway???

  5. @Diogenes, don’t even get me started on “No problem”, “zero problem”, “no sweat” (last one is from years past but along the same line). As if I was assumed to be a problem?

    I would say thank you to clerks handing me my change. I stopped doing that. If they physically hand me my bag I say thank you. But now my clerk entrance is “Hi!” and my exit is “Take care!”.

  6. I almost got into hot water for that at PAX, too.

    One morning I was sitting in the new frame going over some COSMOS documents (and it wasn’t just a frame room, it was the remote 5ESS for the base) and some dude in a 3 piece suit pops through the door. I don’t know him. He doesn’t have a badge. I don’t exactly remember what I said, but it was something to the effect of, “This isn’t some place to wander around in… this is a secure Bell Atlantic facility, who are you? You can’t be here….”

    It didn’t dawn on me until later that he got through a passlock door with no problems. I just knew he wasn’t a ‘phone man I knew, and he wasn’t military.

    He put his hands up, grinned, said, “OK”, and passed through the far door.

    Shows how much I know. He was one of the Admirals, actually the Admiral of the base.

    I went back to the trailer at lunch and told Bob, “Some fucking clown was wandering around in there–”

    Bob said, “That was the Admiral.”

    I said, “Aww, hell…if you know about it then I just got fired..”

    Bob laughed and said, “No, he was quite pleased.”

  7. I used to teach in a school and there was a teacher that if anyone greeted her with any form of, “How’re ya doing?”, She would always reply, “one more day closer to the grave”. She was a 50-something aged middle school math teacher.

  8. @Aaron Burr:

    Fuck for everything.
    Fuckin’ a
    fuck yeah
    fuck no
    fuck it
    That covers fuggin everything.

    “fuck maybe” doesn’t work, though. But “I’ll fuckin’ think about it” would be a workable alternative for many cases.

  9. When I am at work and a customer thanks me, I say “You’re very welcome” I guess so I don’t sound snotty.

    I also have a problem with “No problem!,” although I do recognize that there are time when it is appropriate. Something that people use here (and the UK, I believe) is “Cheers.” What is THAT supposed to mean?

  10. @Diogenes Sarcastica, @Meerkat Brzezinski, @Aaron Burr – DS and MB, you hit one of my really hot buttons with “not a problem”.

    True story (and one that AB will like): At a fairly upscale restaurant a few years ago, I noticed after we sat down that one of the spoons wasn’t quite clean. After hearing the now obligatory, “Hi, my name’s Troy, and I’ll be your server tonight!” I asked him for a clean spoon.

    “Not a problem,” he replied.

    I sorta lost it, but didn’t raise my voice. “I don’t give a rat’s ass if it’s a problem or not, it’s your fucking job.”

    I’ll give him this: he didn’t bat an eye, returned quickly with a clean spoon, apologized for the uncleanliness, and gave us good service for the meal. So he got a good tip.

  11. Here’s one more. I just shake hands, I don’t do hand gymnastics or want to bump chests. Some awkward moments when I met my wife’s friends when I was dating her on couples night out. Also, I don’t like the fake cheek-kiss with people I am just meeting. Actually don’t like it at anytime.

  12. ““fuck maybe” doesn’t work, though. ”

    Fuck no, covers that. Like, “Hey Al, you wanna’ go to Joes Crab Shack?”
    Then you say “FUCK NO.” That way no has any expectations and if you do show up everyone is pleasantly surprised.

    But yeah, schoolin’ overly familiar waiters is always fun. Like when they say “HI I’M WENDY! WHAT SHOULD I CALL YOU!?!?!?!”

    I always say “Sir.” While staring them down.

  13. This is actually a good thread, how do you greet and say goodbye to those you encounter. Whether family, close friends, new encounters through friends, the clerk at the grocery store or any store, the cop that pulls you over, the celebrity you come to see shopping? These are all encounters that I have had.

    Celebrity was Bruce Springsteen at a sporting goods store. I let him be, others did not. Cashier started freaking out as he was leaving the store shouting, “leave him alone!”. Sucks to be celebrity living outside of Hollywood. Pinko got it right. Stay low and enjoy your freedom. Bruce Springsteen may be worth a $billion, but it’s hard for him to be in public, just doing his thing in the public space.

    BTW, he is a very small man, in size. Nothing like you would think based upon his photos

  14. I did, Moe Tom. To the best of my ability, anyway. I was about a second from smashing him into some of our gear. I remember thinking, “If he even touches the wire wrap frames I gonna have to knock him down…”

    But he never touched anything.

    I frankly was a bit funked. Telco jobs like that are very small crews. You KNOW the COT and his second man, you KNOW the Splicer and his second man, you know the Engineer, you KNOW your boss, his boss, and the three other system techs on the job. You even know the salespeople. But you never know EVERYBODY.

    I’m sitting on the floor going over OE-to-pair documents and some fucking clown totters in. That was the sanctum. Had he been in uniform I would have ignored him. To my mind he wasn’t anybody I knew, and he wasn’t in uniform. He HAD to be challenged.

  15. Was doing what I normally always tried to do and was leaving work early to beat the gridlock traffic. I got there at 6:00 am, it was 3:29pm, so management, bite me. Waiting at the elevators, a familiar face appeared and I just had to acknowledge it. ‘Hello Mr Koppel, how are you?’
    His response I will never forget,
    In that moment, I realized I had just met Monty Burns in a toupee. True stuff.
    Waves Meerkat, Thanks! made me remember good times,,

  16. In Bavaria people greet each other with an expression that literally means “Greetings to God.” And of course, smart-asses not from Bavaria frequently answer with things like, “Umm, yeah, I’ll be sure to tell him next time I see him.”

    That backstopping part was interesting, but what I don’t think I heard him talk about was how these interact with speech markers, words such as “umm” or “uhhh” or “yeah,” which are used as a way for the speaker to keep the stage. I was a writing tutor in university and when the lab began to really develop (this was the 90s when outside of the US things like language/writing labs were pretty much unknown – we had a lot of foreign exchange students who never ever learned about writing guides and standards [e.g. MLA, APA], even though they have them in many places) we had to take linguistics courses, and it was **fascinating**, no joke. The speech markers basically say, “I’m paused, but I’m still claiming the stick,” and the listener hears this, their behavior accommodating that. It’s especially useful when someone from, say, Alaska, where pauses are much longer, to someone from a place like New York, where they are amazingly fast. (To a New Yorker, an Alaskan who pauses might be perceived to be finished speaking when they’re not.)

    It’s really quite cool.

    Oh yes, and I loathe “No problem.”

  17. But really, cour countries dialects are quite cool. The New York New Jersey quick talking people are cool the slow-talking southerners are quite cool I love them all.

  18. I quit going to fast food joints altogether. I either don’t know the hip phrases or can’t decipher urban Bantu. Guess I should be ashamed for being white, but I’m not.

  19. I’m back revisiting the threads and note I was wrong, as the comments always make the thread…
    Since this one is still going…

    Couple of weeks ago I rented a vehicle from “our friends” at Enterprise. During the process that they f’ed up (it took over twenty minutes) the clerk said, “Excellent!” every F’ing time I answered one of his questions. Finally after the Regional Mgr. (who was visiting the location) got involved they f’ed it up more and “I’m sorry we have to do this again.” Other customers waiting and me saying, “Look you’ve seen my ID’s already, just write the damn numbers down as I give them to you.” There’re using I Pads and smart phones that one of the customers says are his bread and butter and is further amazed that I can rattle off any numbers off ID’s, because he’d be lost without his electronic devices. They were just One “Excellent!” away from me walking out without the vehicle, but then the wife had already left.

    The best part?

    The vehicle they rented me had EXPIRED TAGS! But that’s a whole other story… THANKS ENTERPRISE!
    Check the tags when you rent a vehicle…


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