Time to give Biden the Ted Kennedy treatment and call him out for the despicable liar he is – IOTW Report

Time to give Biden the Ted Kennedy treatment and call him out for the despicable liar he is

Oolook is mad as hell – “Joe Biden is ignorant and arrogant. How he got to where he is, I cannot imagine.”

We agree.

Why Is Media Allowing Joe Biden to Lie About Drunk Driver Killing His First Wife?

warner todd huston– Along with the claim that Joe Biden had a “blue-collar” upbringing — he had a decidedly upper class (though not “rich”) childhood — Joe Biden has for years claimed that his first wife and his daughter were killed by a “drunk driver” in 1972. However, closer examination of the records proves that the man driving the truck that slammed into the Biden family car was never charged with drunken driving. So, why has the media allowed this perception that Biden lost his wife to a drunk driver to persist?

As late as 2007 Biden said that the man who was involved in the fatal crash that killed his wife and daughter was a “guy who allegedly … drank his lunch” before he got behind the wheel of his truck and in 2001 the TV show Inside Edition aired a tape of Biden saying the truck driver “stopped to drink instead of drive.” Additionally, several media outlets have included the drunk driver claim in their bios of the Senator from Delaware.

This drunk driving accusation, though, is simply a Biden creation and every time this claim is uttered it pains the family of the poor, maligned man involved in the tragic accident with Biden’s family, truck driver Curtis C. Dunn. 


Biden Lied About Wife’s Car Accident

advance indiana– In an act of reprehensible cruelty, then-presidential candidate Sen. Joe Bidenwhile campaigning in Iowa last year blamed the car accident in which his wife and daughter were killed on a drunk driver. The claim was completely false. The car accident was in fact his own wife’s fault. Apparently distracted by one of the three children in the car with her, she accelerated into the path of an oncoming truck which could not stop to avoid her car. Celia Cohen explains at the Delaware Grapevine in a story entitled, “It Ain’t So, Joe”:

“I got elected when I was 29, and I got elected November the 7th. And on December 18 of that year, my wife and three kids were Christmas shopping for a Christmas tree. A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly – and I never pursued it – drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly, and killed my daughter instantly, and hospitalized my two sons, with what were thought to be at the time permanent, fundamental injuries.”

Except there was no drinking. There was not even speeding. The truck’s brakes checked out, as well. It was not the driver’s fault.


Curtis Dunn was tormented by Bidens lies.

Pam Hamill simply wants the record to be cleared, and her father’s reputation restored

“He was a good, hard working man and wonderful father,” she said. – CBS

Curtis Dunn didn’t do a thing wrong, not like the lying asshole Joe Biden

15 Comments on Time to give Biden the Ted Kennedy treatment and call him out for the despicable liar he is

  1. I always said: Give Jackass Joe enough rope and he’d hang himself. 49 years for this Tourettes-addled, federal tit-sucking, grinning imbecile with the mental agility of Karl Childers and the personality of a drunken, Tourettes-addled, Winnebago man who’s only “talent” is singing Villages commercials, firing shot guns off the back porch and lying his lousy, RAT ass off! He is the poster child for incompetent morons who “work” in government because they couldn’t possibly be employed in the private sector! This dumb bastard’s age passed his IQ about 12 years ago which explains why Kenyan Kremepuff chose him for VP!

  2. The Ted Kennedy treatment? You mean getting away with murder, having all records related to the murder sealed virtually forever, being elected to the senate for life and still being a great hero to the progs?
    Let’s hope not.

  3. It really says something about America when two conniving lowlife con artists like Bill and Hillary Clinton and mentally challenged and stupid Joe Biden can be on the political scene for so long!

  4. Joe Biden is a lying liar who lies. He lies as effortlessly as he breathes. He lied about getting a full academic scholarship, he lied about getting 3 degrees, he lied about graduating in the top half of his class when he actually graduated close to dead last. He lied about his wife getting hit by a drunk driver when it was her stupid ass non driving skills having ass who plowed into another driver. Hell, she prolly did it on purpose to escape life with drunken groping joe the child predator who must have been getting all touchy feely with their kids.

  5. the gaffe-tastic Greezy Joe Biden will be shredded in the debates by Donald Trump if Greezy Joe is nominated. Trump isnt afraid of pushing back against Greezy Joe’s lies.


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