Off duty firefighter with a gun thwarts would-be mass shooter – IOTW Report

Off duty firefighter with a gun thwarts would-be mass shooter


Cell phone video captured the arrest of a man who caused a scare outside a Walmart in Springfield, Missouri.

The Springfield Police Department said they responded to a call of an active shooter at the Walmart: Neighborhood Market at Republic Rd., near Golden Ave., Thursday evening, reported KSPR.

The man walked into the store where he grabbed a cart and began pushing it around, according to police. They said the man was recording himself walking through the store via a cell phone.

The store manager at the Neighborhood Market pulled a fire alarm, urging people to escape the store.

Police said the man then made his way out an emergency exit. An off-duty firefighter spotted the man and held him at gunpoint until authorities responded.

At that moment Springfield police arrived on scene and detained the man.

The man appeared to be in his 20s armed with a rifle, wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying more than a hundred rounds of ammunition, police said.


10 Comments on Off duty firefighter with a gun thwarts would-be mass shooter

  1. This lunatic sure didn’t appear to be very determined… The whole thing stinks and reports like this will continue piling in until the election.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. I don’t think it is illegal to open carry a rifle in public in MO. I suspect he is making a point, although stupidly, by showing it is the person that kills and not the gun.

    They had a group here in DFW that would show up at restaurants or public squares carrying AR’s to prove a point. I don’t agree with the method, and think it has potential to get out of control and scare people. The fact is that 1.5% of homicides by gun are done with rifles. Then of that 1.5%, how many are the scary black ones?

    Another point is that the Vtech shooter killed 30 + with a Glock 9mm. You can do just as much damage with a 9mm pistol in the public as an AR. We all know it is a ploy to get an assault weeapon ban, however, the left has changed the language and definition of “assault weapon” to semi auto rifles and the republicans let them win the language debate on that.

  3. Whatever this was it still illustrates a commonality in all these ‘shootings’ is they end when a responsible person with a gun is on scene and that doesn’t have to be law enforcement. But no one ever mentions that fact.

  4. “Walmart is pulling violent video game displays and signs from its stores, but said it is still selling guns…”

    And THAT, dear readers, is why I shop at Walmart and not at Target.

  5. I’ve read he was pushing a cart with his weapon in it. Why? WhoTF knows? At my local Wal-Mart in Big Spring I see open carry all the time, which BTW I believe is stupid. And no telling how many CCs are walking about. What I haven’t seen are any hysterical reactions.

    I’m still wondering how that shooter managed 20 minutes without a host of folks nailing him. I don’t think that would have been the outcome in Big Spring.

  6. Why is Walmart being targeted? There has to be an ulterior motive. There are very criminal, subversive elements involved in this. Covert war going on?

    What Is a Free Trade Zone Warehouse?
    Wednesday, March 4th, 2015
    A free trade zone (FTZ) is an area within the borders of the U.S. that the United States government considers outside of U.S. customs territory. A free trade zone warehouse operates under different rules from a bonded warehouse, which is considered to be inside U.S. territory.

    Chinese Secret Police, Pt 2
    China’s US Airport And The Reputed Crooked Judges
    By Sherman H. Skolnick
    “In the Northwest corner of the state, near Rogers, Arkansas, is the huge new Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport. Clinton as President dedicated the new facility on November 7, 1998. Its runways can handle the largest current airplanes and the jumbo jets planned for the future. It has a Free Trade Zone. That means in-coming airfreight coming non-stop from overseas supposed to be trans-shipped to places NOT in the U.S., is not subject to inspection by the U.S. Customs and is not subject to Customs duties and fees.”

    It is a place for huge non-stop air flights from Red China. It has numerous warehouses. Law enforcement personnel contend it is not difficult to evade regulations as to the Free Trade Zone. In-coming non-stop air shipments from Red China, reportedly containing contraband, can be quietly transferred to another warehouse and re-shipped to U.S. DESTINATIONS. Because of the Free Trade Zone, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration personnel, DEA, and other federal authorities, reportedly assert they have no jurisdiction to inspect Red Chinese shipments.”

    The Red Chinese Secret Police
    In The United States – Part 3
    S.E.C.-China Mess Can Rock US
    By Sherman H. Skolnick
    “WAL-MART has been interwoven, as we have shown, with the Red Chinese Secret Police operations in the United States. Various contraband items are coming into the U.S. by direct flights to a huge new airport near the current Wal-Mart headquarters in Northwest Arkansas; direct flights from Red China, which bypass U.S. Customs inspections through tricks. Some of the goods sold by Wal-Mart at knockdown prices, destroying competitors like K-Mart, are produced by slave labor in facilities in Red China and Sri Lanka, controlled by the Red Chinese Secret Police.

    FBI and the American C.I.A. have allowed, permitted, condoned, and acquiesced in the Red Chinese Secret Police committing murder and mayhem on U.S. soil, with impunity and immunity, since 1956. Reports by retired intelligence officials, as a team, have been ignored by the FBI and the CIA.”

    Walmart Could Become Casualty Of Trade War
    Jun. 14, 2018
    “According to the Alliance for American Manufacturing, about 70-80% of Walmart’s suppliers were located in China back in 2016. One does not have to go beyond anecdotal evidence that one can easily gather by simply stepping into a Walmart store to understand just how reliant Walmart is on continued smooth trade relations with China as well as other trading partners.”

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