How to Determine Who is Hallucinating about Politics – IOTW Report

How to Determine Who is Hallucinating about Politics

Scott Adams Says – As the 2020 presidential election approaches, two distinct versions of so-called “reality” have emerged, similar to what happened in 2016. I call this effect “two movies on one screen.”

In Movie One, President Trump is absolutely, definitely a racist, and any honest person can see it in the way he talks, the people who support him, and his policy proposals. For the viewers of this movie, Trump’s alleged racism is a fact, not an opinion. Therefore, logically, all Trump supporters must be racists because they support a racist president. This view of reality is promoted by CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, NPR, and essentially all of the left-leaning press.

In Movie Two, President Trump promised the country he would not be politically correct if elected, and sure enough, he is not. He goes hard at all critics, with uncautious language, and that makes it easy for his political foes to cherry pick the times he criticizes women and people of color, framing those instances as some sort of pattern. Viewers of Movie Two are confused about whether the viewers of Movie One are lying, stupid, brainwashed, or mentally ill.

Those two realities are starkly different. How can any of us tell which is the true one? After all, there are millions of otherwise intelligent and sane people watching both movies. Given the stakes, we sure wouldn’t want to be wrong. My suggestion, which works for any situation in which reality seems ambiguous, is to compare how well each version of reality predicts what happens next. The reality that predicts the best is the “true” one, assuming reality has any objective qualities at all.

So let’s see how well the movies have predicted the future so far. We’ve been watching some version of these same movies since 2016, so we have about three years of track record to review.

Which movie predicted that Israel would name a settlement after President Trump, or that Trump would be the most popular American president in Israel?

Answer: Only Movie 2

Finish reading here.

9 Comments on How to Determine Who is Hallucinating about Politics

  1. Hey – I watched Endgame a month or so ago and the only other ones I had seen were Captain America and Iron Man 1. So go ahead and skip to 3.

    Also, the easy way to tell, and to convince impartial observers, is to see which side permits researchable facts and honest discussion vs. elevated rhetoric.

  2. But Movie 3 is what I prefer. Sitting comfortably after the re-election enjoying action and an occasional boob.

    By the way, Ocasio boob isn’t what i was hoping for, lest there be any confusion.

  3. ‘Let’s all go the Lobby

    let’s all go the Lobby

    let’s all go to the Lobbeeeeeee

    and buy Ourselves some Votes !!!!

    (Pretty sure that ain’t Gum on the Seat in front of Me)

  4. I’ve been watching Movie 1 since “Red” Cronkite was losing us the war in Vietnam.

    I can barf it by heart, and don’t NEED to see – or hear OF it – ever again!


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