Millions of soyboi leftists nod in agreement – IOTW Report

Millions of soyboi leftists nod in agreement

h/t one and done

32 Comments on Millions of soyboi leftists nod in agreement

  1. no … the answer is to close your hairy legs, ya stupid Bint!

    btw, they haven’t synthesized sperm yet … so you’re stuck w/ us, Ms. Baby Factory (yeah .. right!)

  2. I dated her….her name is Holly….Our relationship went away because I wouldn’t loan her money and continue to fix her car and her house for free….so, I became the asshole….imagine that…

  3. That’s odd – she ISN’T cute when she’s angry.

    Wanna see her stroke out? Walk up to her and say, “Now don’t you worry yore purty little head about it, darlin’ Whatever the problem is, us men will take care of it for yew.”

  4. Wait…….what?!? I’m not sure I heard that right. She wants to continue the human species, but wants to kill all the males. Go get a non “studies” education in biology, human biology, then come back and tell me how you’re going to accomplish that little thing.

  5. ‘Alex, I’ll take stupid spoiled twat for $1000,,’
    ‘Why are Smart Men Are Avoiding Relationships?’
    ‘Alex, what is she is?’
    ‘You are correct!’
    ‘And her Daddy payed for her college.’
    they always love those snarky Trebekisms.

  6. Yeah, men are evil.
    If you get rid of Men, who will perform maintenance on this civilization we got here?
    I saw a lady electrician once in my building career. Never saw a lady carpenter. Never saw a lady stucco hoddy. Never saw a lady brick layer, never saw a lady welder, never saw a lady general laborer, or a lady heavy equipment operator.
    Women in the trades perform administration tasks for the most part.
    With no men, there will be no tunnels dug, no earth moved, no railroads, no regular roads or bike paths built.
    There will be no building trades. They will live in leafy hovels made from things left over from when they had men around to build stuff.

  7. Your mouth says go away, but your face paint says “Look at me! I’m trying to be pretty and attractive!” To whom, if not the masculine psyche?

    Put down the weed whacker hair trimmer, wash your face clean, and go think about it. You seem unaware of your true self.

    Maybe not. Maybe you paint your face just to bash on men that nibble at the bait.


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