“Women are often shamed for how they look, especially the most private and delicate part.” Really? By who? – IOTW Report

“Women are often shamed for how they look, especially the most private and delicate part.” Really? By who?

You hear this constantly from feminists. Who are these people shaming how vaginas look?


Paintings of vulvas are popping up on doors of toilet cubicles across London.

It’s all part of a campaign to promote positive body image among women – specifically what’s “down there”.

Oliwia Bober, 23, is the artist behind the genitalia designs – and says feedback has been positive.

“Women are often shamed for how they look, especially the most private and delicate part – and that is just a really unpleasant experience,” she tells Radio 1 Newsbeat.

“I think it’s important to recognise that having a vulva or vagina isn’t something that makes a woman, but for a lot of women that have them they’re really important,” says Oliwia.

Oliwia, who graduated from Brighton University last year, says she’s felt the pressure too.

“Having seen porn, the vulva that has been normalised is a very specific type – and if you have anything that deviates from that the message is still ingrained that maybe something’s not OK – which obviously isn’t the case at all.”


She watches porn and she thinks the pressure is on the women to live up to what is depicted?

Ya, sure.

ht/ sns

40 Comments on “Women are often shamed for how they look, especially the most private and delicate part.” Really? By who?

  1. “for a lot of women that have them they’re really important,”. Why is she not attacked as transphobic?

    Leftist just can’t keep track of their hypocrisies. What a joke. The tragedy; sheepeople standing around bleating in compliance.

  2. Can a person really be satisfactorily horny to engage in the act if first they must score the appearance of what makes a woman a woman?
    Those idiotic hats all looked bad and nothing at all like the real thing.

  3. …speaking for myself, as a man, from the outside, I’m rather a fan of the vagina. I came out of one, and like most men, spent years and years seeking to get back into a different one, in a rather different capacity. I saw my son come out of one, and it in no way diminished my desire for that same one; and if you’ve ever experienced a childbirth from the non-mother end, it’s a rather remarkable thing to see what a vagina is TRULY capable of.

    Just as an aside, guys, if you’ve SEEN a deliver, you would TRULY realize that, whatever you think of your OWN equipment, you’re NOT gonna hurt that thang one little bit, within the bounds of normal, healthy activity, at least…

    Opinions vary as to enjoyment of smell, taste, feel, etc., and are beyond the scope of THIS discussion, but ladies, speaking as a man with a woman, who has also spent years hearing other men speak of women, I can assure you that any fears you may have about your man thinking your vagina is VISUALLY unattractive, doesn’t compare favorably to other vaginas, and not wanting to look at it are completely groundless, utterly baseless, and disprovable at little more than the lifting of a skirt. If you’re of an age to remember the leg-crossing scene in “Basic Instinct”, this will give you some idea what I’m talking about. Guys are simple creatures in many ways, and we’re ALWAYS going to take an interest, and not a CRITICAL one, either…

    ANY exposure of ANY vagina of ANY size, shape, or color will be greatly appreciated by your target audience.

    Unless it’s a soy boy, in which case you’re better off without “him”…

    The only unacceptable “deviation” would be if it’s cankery, oozing, inflamed PRIOR to strenuous activity, or otherwise appears diseased, although there are SOME men that even THAT isn’t a show-stopper. Men are not particularly persnickety pertaining to the pelvis or perineum, and to most this would be an EXTREMELY odd time for any aesthetic commentary. No, I don’t know where this PARTICULAR self-image problem may have come from, but if this ONE woman had an experience with ONE man who chose to get judgy on vuvular artistic merit, that isn’t a man and I would NOT worry about THAT opinion…

    …That said, I don’t really recommend images of lady bits on public bathroom doors, particularly in men’s rooms. This is because this may cause traffic issues and cleanliness problems in men’s rooms over and above those that one would normally expect, and believe me, it’s PLENTY sticky enough in there as it is.

    I can’t speak for the ladies’ rooms, but if some of you gals like to play comparison games to other gals, seeing a badly crafted interpretation of the neither regions as a point of comparison for something you, yourself, cannot view as an intensely interested outsider ANYWAY, and lacking the appropriate hormones for TRUE appreciation, it’s probably best if the “artist” foregoes this in the female facilities as well. I don’t know how this would induce any sense of anything but humor in a same-sex bathroom, as a series of dinguses drawn on the walls in the mens’ would, but given that you have lesbians and fully male-equipped transvestites in there now, it may also increase YOUR wait times as well.

    And, specific to London, I wonder how this, eh, “Goes Down” with their new Caliph and the Shari’a police? I would imagine they are not fans, since no GOATS are depicted…

    …so, all in all ladies, let your men buoy your self-esteem concerning the honey pot you are sitting on, and don’t trouble yourself when some deranged, porn-watching university student tries to project her own personal privates issues onto YOU. If you ask YOUR man to evaluate YOUR doings, BELIEVE me, you WILL get a positive response, and probably a VERY enthusiastic one at that…

    …Vaginas are GREAT. EVERY woman should have one. Anyone who DOESN’T, isn’t a woman. And EVERY man should WANT one. ANY man who DOESN’T, isn’t a man. It’s as silly as suggesting that men are picky about breasts. You have NOTHING to fear.

    Anything ELSE the liberals tell you is the foulest lie from the blackest pit of Hell, and should be treated as such, with scorn and derision. It’s more than likely that liberal “men” prefer exercising a hairy bunghole anyway, and so ALSO lack the mental capacity and possibly even the correct hormones to appreciate the greatest of gifts that God gave Adam in the form of Eve from the get-go, and are simply speaking from jealousy and bitterness, not to mention that they are ALSO likely speaking through a mouthful of poop-flavored sperm…

    So ladies, get your man, and enjoy your vagina with him tonight, and don’t sweat the sight-line. If you’re DOING it RIGHT, you’ll be sweating for OTHER reasons anyway, and what enjoyable reasons they will be…


  4. …of course, it’s been said that woman may have been the first Government design, because who ELSE would put the playground so close to the sewage treatment facility?

    …but the same people say that it proves that God is not a woman because, if He were a She, Man would be designed with his penis on his chin, so the debate rages on…

  5. …I do remember an anatomy lecture from my Squad training, though. They were discussing the assorted ills of the genito-urinary system and had come to the point where it was a clinical discussion of the natural biological protective systems of the vagina. The instructor lectured that the vagina was a highly-acidic environment in order to be toxic to many types of bad bacteria, when one of the ladies-in-training interjected from the back of the room, “YEAH! AND THEY HAVE TEETH, TOO!!!

    …this caused some composure issues in a room full of young men and women, so we had to break for lunch then.

    …and box-lunches at that…

  6. PHenry
    AUGUST 10, 2019 AT 8:21 AM
    “Also never heard, “What an attractive scrotum you have!””

    …well, if you “hung out” with Barry and Buttigieg, perhaps you WOULD…

    …given their lifestyle, they’ve probably become cumsack conneseuers, since it’s tough for them not to notice it when it’s smacking them repeatedly in the face…

  7. B. Hussein Obola
    AUGUST 10, 2019 AT 8:26 AM
    “Ewwwww … the sight of one of those makes me wanna puke!”

    …well, with “Michelle” around the house, I’m sure you NEVER saw a vagina, Barry…

  8. Then there was old Jake down at the sawmill. He could identify any wood just by smelling it while blindfolded. They put a piece of birch under old Jakes nose and he said it’s birch, same with ash, cypress, etc. So one of the guys had a girl that worked there rub a piece of wood between her legs. Old Jake sniffed it, sniffed it again, and said “I got it, you can’t fool me!, it’s a piece of wood from the shithouse door off a tuna boat”!

  9. I9Vietvet
    AUGUST 10, 2019 AT 9:00 AM
    “Actually, I think for most men the appearance depends almost totally on whether they are viewing it before or after.”

    …huh, you hang around AFTER? WHY?


  10. Never heard of this, really, never heard it.
    If it exists, it must be one of those perks, only available in the women’s rest rooms.
    Coocoos are like art, everybody knows what they like.
    This guy comes back from the toilet, when a women says to him, “Hey, you have left your GARAGE door open”!”
    As the man is zipping his fly up, he says with a big smile,”Did you see my big black hummer?”
    The woman replies, “Nope just a MINI COOPER with two flat tires.”
    Now THAT’S shaming.

  11. Didn’t Georgia O’Keeffe start this obsession with painting “them” ?

    Proving that with enough artistic talent the paintings could move from the doors on toilet cubicles to walls in the exhibition area of the art museums. In effect her motto was – I came not to shame them but to glorify them. Are they not glorious flowers? – Well, that’s what I’ve read about her paintings.

  12. @Super

    You don’t really want to look at it afterwards. The time for looking at it has passed.

    Within 5 seconds of being done is the time to order pizza. Not be looking at a hoo-haw.


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