Jeffrey Epstein dead by suicide in jail – IOTW Report

Jeffrey Epstein dead by suicide in jail

Yeah, right. On suicide watch.

How do we know it really was him? Did ‘they’ whisk him away to protect him or to protect those he would have named?

Was he Arkancided?

Read more here.

97 Comments on Jeffrey Epstein dead by suicide in jail

  1. …I notice that they don’t mention a method of, ah, “Suicide”. Was it two bullets of different calibers to the back of the head, perhaps, after which he disposed of his own gun and conveniently stuffed his dead body in a gym bag after beheading himself?

    …Something seems to affect a LOT of inconvenient Clinton associates that way, somehow, strangest thing…

  2. Left Coast Dan AUGUST 10, 2019 AT 9:36 AM
    “So will all of the evidence now be destroyed? Obviously many people didn’t want it in the courts.”

    …EVIDENCE? WHAT “Evidence”?

    There was NO “Evidence”, and if you say OTHERWISE, it may make you suicidal, or something, so they’ll have to send some guys over to your house, for your protection of course, to “Talk” about this “evidence”…

    …meanwhile, the media’s pretty sure that they caught Trump making a racist sound or something. LOOK OVER THERE!!!!

    …and, if THAT don’t work, a “surprise” mass shooting in Oshkosh, Wisconsin isn’t out of the question…

  3. This was expected (and predicted by a number of posters here).

    A shame that now we’ll never know what he knew about the extent of the pedophilia involvement among the rich and powerful.

    I guess he decided to fall on his own sword to protect them.

    Or something like that.

  4. Let’s just hope his *live* testimony isn’t as vital as people imagine.

    If I read correctly, a “suicide watch” doesn’t mean 24/7 viewing,
    but rather every 15 minutes instead of every hour.

    Sure doesn’t sound very thorough, if he *were* such a critical witness.
    So, I’m hoping his evidence and sworn statements to-date are sufficient.

  5. …the details will be interesting, when we get some. An actual Clinton suicide is usually DELIBERATELY sloppy, both as a message to US that THEY can kill people and get AWAY with it EVEN THOUGH EVERYONE KNOWS IT, and also as a warning to OTHERS, so if it’s got some serious, damning errors but is nonetheless quickly ruled a ‘suicide’ without further investigation and brushed under the rug in favor of the latest Trump Obstruction theory, then THAT’S the marque of a TRUE Arkencide…

  6. Why do these things almost always seem to happen on weekends so that by Monday the lame stream media will have covered it up? And I wonder how many prominent journalists were on that list as well. It’s no wonder that I’m a cynic and a sceptic, they always seem to make us right in our assessment of these low life scumbags.

  7. A camera in the cell with video recorded? Like every store in the US has? Oh hell no…why think of the expense to the taxpayer. And its unconstitutional to violate his privacy….yeahhh thats the ticket.

  8. Dr. Tar
    AUGUST 10, 2019 AT 10:15 AM
    ‘Being friends with the Clintons should come with a warning.’

    ..if someone hasn’t figured it out by now, they’re probably too stupid to live anyway…

  9. With no trial, no one will be under oath with testimony. This opens the door for a bunch of Sloppy Daniels types to start accusing Trump of being at Pedo Island. Anyone who actually saw B. J. Clinton there just got the message to keep quiet or they’ll be next.

  10. Guard: Hey Jeff. Do me a solid and coil up this rope. I’m on break. I’ll be back in fifteen. Thanks man. You’re the best.

    Jeff: No problem. I wasn’t doing anything anyway.

  11. From what I remember reading suicide watch meant you had nothing to hang yourself with and a padded room as well?
    Oh well, it’s New York so maybe they just loan you rope to practice your knot tying ability.

  12. Any chance this is just the story being reported but he’s actually being held alive somewhere to spill the beans? I know it sounds loony, just trying to stay hopeful that everyone involved gets nailed.

  13. @Toenex:

    From what I remember reading suicide watch meant you had nothing to hang yourself with…

    Yes, I was thinking the same thing. I’m looking forward to the announcement about just how he accomplished the deed.

    But I’m not holding my breath. So to speak.

  14. Suddenly overcome with remorse, Epstein requested a night excursion to Fort Marcy park. When this was denied, he requested a small plane flight to nowhere in particular. When he was reminded that he was in jail, on ‘suicide watch’ he asked politely to borrow a couple of pistols in different calibers to ‘take some target practice’. His guard, becoming exasperated, sarcastically asked Epstein if he’d like a bootlace. Epstein declined the offer and asked for an attractive thirteen year old girl and some privacy. This was Epstein’s last mistake, the guard, father of two preteen daughters, turned off the cameras, then manually strangled Epstein to death. After a quick check of his bank account, he turned the cameras back on and reported Epstein’s suicide attempt.

  15. There is no conspiracy theory crazy enough to explain the depths of the pedophilia scandal that Washington DC and so many politicians all over the world are actively involved in.

    From the Pope to major Metropolitan Mayors to Hollywood to you name it. He consorted with Mayors, Governors, Presidents, Princes, Kings, etc. Odds are the only reason he was not in jail all of this time was to provide dirt on people by peddling their perversions to them.

    Once he tried to kill himself the first time, he should have been in solitary confinement and 24 hour watch by 2-4 guards and security cameras. A billionaire with dirt on the most well known people in the world. Everyone running that shitshow is a suspect for either killing him or allowing him to kill himself before he could go to trial.

    His entire island should be declared a crime scene. Everyone who worked for him a conspirator. No one in or out. He existed because he paid people to be quiet and now there pockets are going to get lighter.

  16. This was (was!) so massive that it could have been anyone associated with him and not the Clintons. We will never know how many nameless elites he had dirt on.

    Now he’ll quickly be memoryholed and forever forgotten as another shooting is whipped up for insta-outrage cover to help everyone with already short attention spans to forget him for good.

    At least until The Judgment. Then all will know all.

  17. I see AOC’s demanding an investigation.
    Evidently she knows nothing about Arkancide’s legacy any more than she knows anything about anything else.
    Wouldn’t be surprised if someone in the local penal system just got a lot closer to retirement in the Bahamas…

  18. Rich people with friends in high places do not tend to commit suicide. Even if convicted I am certain he would have received a sentence similar to the last one he received. First Bill Clinton distanced himself with his BS statement a month ago and now there is no one left alive to affect the prestige of the Clinton brand.

  19. Guess his lawyer turned over the videos.
    Epstein should have known better – never trust a guy who lies for money.

    Bet the cameras in Epstein’s cell area were broke, too.

    izlamo delenda est …

  20. Anymouse
    AUGUST 10, 2019 AT 11:34 AM
    “So is anyone keeping track?”

    Some folks are. Here is a PARTIAL list of death-by-clinton, it’s SO big you’ll have to expand it to read it, but it misses a few and stops in ’16, and they’ve gotten quite a few SINCE then.

    ..also, it depends on how you count “Clinton Victims”. It’s in the hundreds if you count collateral victims like the planeload of people that died so the Clintons could keep Ron Brown from testifying, and if you include people who died from military actions taken by Bill Clinton to distract people from his sexual escapades at home and worldwide wars and terrorism that happened because of the massively incompetent Hillary as “co-president” AND as Secretary of State, it could well be in the MILLIONS…

  21. Another case of Arkancide, and I give it 48 hours before the DNC controlled news outlets and comrade Nadler try pinning this on Trump using the Big Lie technique. They’re just conjuring up the proper slogans and verbatim buzzwords the news agencies are going to use and reuse ad nauseum as I type this.

  22. Epstein is bigger than a Federal Criminal, he has blackmailed enough world leaders and business executives to rock this world off it’s axis. I seriously doubt that he was left in a NY jail with Democrat loyalists watching him. I would guess he was under Military control in a very safe place. I think it’s “Fake News”.

  23. Hey Wally! If John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Bruce Ohr, and Peter Strzok were all arrested for unpaid parking tickets, indecent exposure in the park or some other minor reason. Do you think they’d all commit suicide too?

    Oh, you bet your little hiney they would Bev. Not one of them would make it to their first prison breakfast. You know, they’re extremely sensitive guys Bev.

    They just wouldn’t be able to bear the shame of it, and just wouldn’t want to talk to anyone about how they got there.


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