Bipartisan Senate Coalition Wants an Inventory of All Federal Programs – IOTW Report

Bipartisan Senate Coalition Wants an Inventory of All Federal Programs

Epoch Times: WASHINGTON—A coalition of six Republican and three Democratic senators wants officials to inventory the costs, goals, and performance of all federal programs, then post the resulting database on the Internet.

The co-sponsors of the Taxpayers Right to Know Act of 2019 include Senate Republicans James Lankford of Oklahoma, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Mike Enzi of Wyoming, John Cornyn of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky, as well as Democrats Jon Tester of Montana, Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona.

The purpose of the proposal is to “provide taxpayers with an improved understanding of government programs through the disclosure of cost, performance, and areas of duplication among them, leverage existing data to achieve a functional Federal program inventory,” according to the bill text.

The proposal is also supported by the Data Coalition (DC), a large group of private sector companies in the technology, data management, and data analyses sectors.

The DC lobbies Congress to make all government data “accessible, high-quality, and usable to enhance accountability, improve government effectiveness, reduce compliance costs, and stimulate innovation.”

“This is commonsense legislation that will enable the American people to know how their tax dollars are being spent and the effectiveness of each program,” Lankford said after the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs approved the bill July 24 and sent it to the full Senate. A final Senate vote has not been scheduled.
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16 Comments on Bipartisan Senate Coalition Wants an Inventory of All Federal Programs

  1. Expose every bureaucracy. Eliminate at least one half. Pay down the debt. If we do not do something about our debt, five years from now we’re going to feel horrible pain.

  2. We already know the effectiveness of the programs. We also know that the bureaucrats in charge will stonewall any attempt to figure out what is going on. Not to mention that government programs are immortal.

  3. Every Federal Agency have $100s of Millions of grants and research projects for Congress to dole out to favored institutions and “Not-for Profit” community organizers.
    Not even Congress knows what is being spent or for what purpose, they just blindly fund them.

  4. This is the is equivalent of Ronald Reagan’s “Grace commission” only goes fartheronly goes farther and does more. How many of those nuts will the President be able to crack? There is going to be a lot of them. Government corruption will be laid bare for all to see. Not everything will be able to be seen.
    The concept is staggering!!!

  5. I thought that, from a Democrat perspective, it is not important for us to know what programs the government is running, or much they cost, as they are all for our benefit and are being provided to us based on their love for us!

  6. And how much is Obama’s stash… as some thought! Some people can’t grasp the concept of working and actually paying taxes that get re-distributed to others! Try to explain it to them and you get the same look yer dog gives you when you try to explain a magic trick to him!


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