carpe donktum – Fredo: Part 1 – IOTW Report

carpe donktum – Fredo: Part 1

ht/ left coast dan

6 Comments on carpe donktum – Fredo: Part 1

  1. Fredo was a fictional character played by John Cazale. John Cazale had roles in 5 films – all 5 films which were nominated for Academy Awards. 5 for 5 may be a record which may never be broken.

    So fictional Fredo may be an incompetent dimwit. John Cazale, on the other hand, was a well-respected actor of Italian descent who only acted in 5 films – all of which were nominated for Academy Awards. I’m not sure calling some goomba “Fredo” is necessarily a slur.

    (Originally posted on an incorrect thread).

  2. @Wyatt – funny, a month or so ago I was making the acquaintance of a guy at my regular coffee shop who said he was a friend of Cazale, way back when. He was also saying what a great actor Cazale was.
    This guy has been on the Left Coast for a long time but is a NY native.

  3. As soon as one of these clowns justifies their use of the term for Trump Jr. by saying he’s not Italian, it’s open season on calling non-black leftists n****rs.


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