The young leftists in Germany are as dumb as our millennials – IOTW Report

The young leftists in Germany are as dumb as our millennials

I’ve cued this Crowder video up at the money shot. Crowder maintains that people are jailed in Germany for speech. The dope argues with him and accuses him of lying because “she worked in German media” and nothing of the sort happens.

Finally she says this—- (must be seen to be believed.)

23 Comments on The young leftists in Germany are as dumb as our millennials

  1. That was great! I have a difficult time keeping my cool when debating a leftist, but Crowder not only diffused her, calmed her down and reexplained his position on unlimited free speech, but sent her away with something to ponder.

    And she probably laid in her bed that night tossing around ideas she’d never before considered.
    Government sanctioned thought and speech vs free will and offensive speech.

    The young woman’s groupthink was put to the test and it lost. And she knows it.

    Well done Crowder.

  2. The other part I liked was, after Crowder made his argument for unlimited speech was that she called him a ‘liberal’, in the true sense of the word.

    Those who self identify as ‘liberal’ in this country have so corrupted the language that they are the suppressors of free seech and dictate dogma and use violence to enforce and intimidate.

    Facists adopt labels like Antifa fascists that masquerade as anti fascists.

    Our language has been corrupted by fascist hatemongering monsters who intentionally pervert language and foment hatred and violence against political opposition as if it’s a righteous undertaking

    Killing or destroying us is a righteous endeavor in their minds.

  3. The US was founded by some people who had been jailed for critizing the English monarchy. Americans demand to be insulting if we want, but hopefully try to use our manners.
    We are an opinionated society. Never cede free speech to government. Those folks can barely wipe their asses.

  4. The only time I felt that I won a public discussion of this nature was when i worked the Hanover county republican booth at the tomato festival some years ago.
    Another booth, confederate heritage society, was handing out little stars and bars flags.

    Some hammerhead ‘liberal’ came up to me in a smartass way asking for a confederate flag.

    I let him have it, directing him to the democrat tent. Party of slavery, party of jim crow, kkk, segregation…
    the whole works. I railed on him for as long as he could stand it.

    Pencil neck’s hands were shaking in anger and fear.
    He slinked off and wrote a letter to the editor about how mean i was.

    Never again returning to my horrible county.

    Mission accomplished.

    Fucking asshole. I gave him what fer.
    I was in no mood for checking his knickers for moisture.

  5. The difference between Crowder’s leftist encounter and mine was that he was persuasive and gave food for thought and may have made inroads into recruiting someone that may join our movement.
    My argument was fact based but I totally launched on the guy who confronted me.

    Win for Crowder. Loss for me.

    It’s a very difficult thing to do to discuss philosophy with a leftist.

    The guy I encountered would never become a convert
    And man did it feel good shoving that message up his ass.

    OK. Off to bed. See ya.

  6. The reason it’s so hard to debate with a leftist is that their ‘truth’, which is preferred over ‘fact’, per Joe Biden, has the legs of a centipede and the backbone of a slinky.

  7. you have to peel off so many layers of the liberal onion these kids are wrapped in before you can get to the thinking part of their brain. (“Warped in” may be a better description.) Crowder has as much patience as God.

  8. C’mon Crowder, you did handle that well but you allowed her to equate freedom of speech with him being a liberal. Then she went on to say there is a distinction between liberalism and a social democrat. He was way too nice to her.


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