Low Budget Indie Film depicts lefty policy of open borders drawn to its logical conclusion – IOTW Report

Low Budget Indie Film depicts lefty policy of open borders drawn to its logical conclusion

youtube- What would happen if the borders were opened up? What would America look like? This dystopian thriller shows what could happen. Three citizens- Bronson the leader, Jam his sidekick, and a young woman named Missle, are turned from everyday citizens into renegades when authoritarian globalists take over the government of the futuristic United States. This action adventure follows the rebels to the point of elimination as they fight for freedom and survival.


In “Open Borders”, Mark Saunders asks viewers to think. But the movie is also an action film with genuine entertainment value. The action comes as lead character Bronson (played by Chad Ayers) with sidekicks Missle and Jam (played by Kat Williams and Christopher Hollis) seek to reunite what’s left of Bronson’s family and find a safe home away from the “scrags.” Scrags are members of the dominant class in Scragland. And while it is uncontrolled immigration that leads to the creation of the hypothetical Scragland, there’s no escaping the visuals that most of the scrags are persons of color and the persecuted class are the “pales.”

“It’s very easy to talk about ideas,” Saunders says, “but what are the ramifications? When I started this idea, we would occasionally hear the words ‘open borders.’ Now we’re hearing it more and more. I wanted to make a film that would make people think. I’m interested in getting people to talk. I think people are smart enough to make up their own minds.”

9 Comments on Low Budget Indie Film depicts lefty policy of open borders drawn to its logical conclusion

  1. The borders ARE currently open, but throttled. It’s a question of the ongoing rate of our own self-destruction. Do it at just the right pace and conditioned American citizens won’t stop it until it’s too late. This is our current course.


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