Ill. Governor Signs Bill Into Law Requiring Students to Be Taught About Historical Contributions of Homosexuals – IOTW Report

Ill. Governor Signs Bill Into Law Requiring Students to Be Taught About Historical Contributions of Homosexuals

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The Democratic governor of Illinois has signed a bill into law that requires curriculum for public school students to include information on the contributions of those throughout history who identified as homosexual or transgender.

J.B. Pritzker signed House Bill 246, sponsored by Rep. Anna Moeller, D-Elgin, on Friday. It will go into effect in July 2020.

“In public schools only, the teaching of history shall include a study of the roles and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this state,” the legislation reads. “Textbooks authorized to be purchased … must include the roles and contributions of all people protected under the Illinois Human Rights Act.”

Before being elected, Pritzker was clear about his support for those who identify as homosexual or transgender. His campaign website dedicated a page to his “Commitment to LGBTQ Rights,” outlining that his mother was an activist for homosexual causes in the 1970s and explaining his agenda if elected.

“I’ve been a staunch advocate for LGBTQ rights my entire life,” Pritzker wrote. “I marched in the Chicago Pride Parade long before it was a celebration, but instead was a protest march. And 20 years before it was legal, MK and I hosted a gay wedding in our backyard not to make a statement, but because Stephen and Dale were our friends and were in love.”

Illinois is the third state to pass the requirement, behind California and New Jersey. As previously reported, one mayor in New Jersey has spoken out against the law in his state and is urging residents to rise up and request that it be repealed.



36 Comments on Ill. Governor Signs Bill Into Law Requiring Students to Be Taught About Historical Contributions of Homosexuals

  1. Watch for many historical figures to suddenly be reclassified as homo and trans.

    There will be no evidence to support most of it, but the reclassification by itself will be considered sufficient as proof.

    The time is drawing near, be ready for it.

  2. I believe we should all be aware of everyone who has made a positive contribution to our Society….. I am sure though that their sexual proclivities need not be mentioned nor celebrated……WTF?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. The state that brought us John “the clown” Gacy brings us the contributions of the gay community. One of Gacy’s victims was a kid in my high school graduating class. Nobody heard anything about him until he was found in his basement/crawl space.

  4. There’s always an angle with these Democrats. Why do people find the need to attach sex to everything? To separate people? They do the same shit to women during election season. Tiresome.
    Everyone is an experiment, a cause, a pawn.

    BTW, are they going to glorify the gay black thugs of Chicago, too? Maybe they’ll do even LESS time in jail now, because, FEELINGS.

  5. Illinois, of all places, is writing law and spending money they don’t have to play favorites instead of enforcing law to stop crime and pay their debts.
    If these jerks had palm trees and cactus, they’d be California.

  6. not surprised it comes from a state whose name is actually abbreviated as ‘ill’, and the same state that gave us, meet barack and reggie, and lets not forget about, never let a crisis go to waste, rahm emanuel or how about that wild and crazy guy, jussie smollett
    class, our lesson today is:
    some homos and trans did something, here ends the lesson.
    class dismissed.

  7. There are no virtues in living a deviant, depraved lifestyle. Politicians like Gov. Putzer keep proving perversions of the left are limitless. Children are their main focus because they are literally a captive audience – young and easy to corrupt.
    Thanks to the fascist U.S. Dept of Education children are required to be indoctrinated by socialists in public warehouses called “schools”.
    Leftists will do anything to undermine this nation’s Christian based moral foundation.

  8. The only time the left cares about history is when they can justify a their perversion. Just wait- Ancient Greece will become vogue again and not because it is the birth place of democracy or that it held back the Persians but because they were Pedo’s and nobody died from it and all was well if you have a problem with Pedo’s you need to work on your bigotry.

  9. Has Jussie Smollett found a new career teaching the untarnished, fabulous history of homosexual achievement in Chicago? I guess Andrew Cunanan isn’t going to be available to mentor any students, but surely his time in Chicago will make for some inspiring reading.

  10. Does that mean the First Homo of Kenya- I mean, Indonesia- I mean, England- I mean, Hawaii- I MEAN, “Chicago”… will now be OFFICIALLY outed in IL textbooks? 😳

    Field trips to “Man’s Country?” 🤮💩

  11. “Mom, did you know the first lady in space liked to play with paper too?”

    “Well no I didn’t honey. Was she an artist? Who told you?”

    “Yup I guess. My teacher said she’s supposed to tell us that the first lady in space liked scissoring. I like cutting paper so I guess I just like scissoring too! And President Obama likes to pack fudge! I want to pack fudge too! I’m gonna tell Dad!”

  12. The Communist agenda goes marching on because power players are Communists. I have tried to inform parents of the moral dangers in public schools, but they think their own home life is a protection from what is being taught in school. It is constant, powerful warfare against society and ignorance of it is morally deadly.




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