CNN Faces Heat for Hiring Fired FBI Official Andrew McCabe as Contributor – IOTW Report

CNN Faces Heat for Hiring Fired FBI Official Andrew McCabe as Contributor

Epoch Times:

CNN announced on Aug. 23 that fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has joined the network as a contributor, a decision that quickly drew backlash from critics.

McCabe was fired by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions in March last year after an internal FBI review found that he had “made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor−including under oath−on multiple occasions,” according to a statement. The FBI’s review began after a referral from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz who discovered that McCabe was not forthcoming about his involvement in authorizing a leak to Wall Street Journal regarding the investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

CNN’s decision to sign McCabe as a contributor was announced by the network’s media reporter Oliver Darcy on Aug. 23 and has garnered extensive criticism from many conservative figures on social media. Many critics said the hiring decision would further damage the network’s credibility. read more

14 Comments on CNN Faces Heat for Hiring Fired FBI Official Andrew McCabe as Contributor

  1. Seems like he’d would be a good fit for that crowd.
    They’re easier to keep an eye on when gathered in one place.
    Maybe we’ll be hearing about a steamy relationship between him and Brian Stelter blossoming.

  2. Being fired for being a dishonest hack is simply a resume enhancement when crossing over the threshold to the make-believe land of CNN… that and wearing a fairy costume.
    (that’ll get Stelter’s attention!)

  3. CNN hired a known crook; what’s new?

    Try figuring out FOX and Donna Brazile. confessed cheat and liar.

    FOX has gone so sour that I can barely watch the programs that have credibility. The leftists have rotted its core.

  4. If conservatives really want to do something then refuse to appear on CNN with McCabe. No panels, joint interviews, nothing. If he suddenly appears in a segment then the conservative member unclips the mic and walks off.
    Having said that, @ED357 has a very good point. Brazille lied, cheated and did everything she could to throw the nomination to Clinton but Fox did hire her. In this instance though I think the McCabe is a couple of rungs higher on the shitstain ladder then she was.


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