CNN editor who resigned over ‘Jewish pigs’ tweets says he was victim of ‘coordinated attack’ – IOTW Report

CNN editor who resigned over ‘Jewish pigs’ tweets says he was victim of ‘coordinated attack’

And, of course, it wasn’t his fault.


A former CNN photo editor and writer who resigned after his past anti-Semitic tweets resurfaced is now saying the incident was “like a coordinated attack” by the Trump administration.

Last month, Mohammed Elshamy resigned from his position with the network when several tweets of his from years ago gained attention, including one 2011 tweet that read, “More than 4 jewish pigs killed in #Jerusalem today by the Palestinian bomb explode. #Israel #Gaza.”

Now, he’s pointing the finger at Trump officials amid reports that they have been scouring the social media history of reporters viewed as hostile toward the president. more here

15 Comments on CNN editor who resigned over ‘Jewish pigs’ tweets says he was victim of ‘coordinated attack’

  1. RogerF- yeaah, but he was young and impressionable, he didn’t know what he was doing, he needed the money and he had to strip for that money to get into CNN college… LOL!
    A thousand excuses when he could just apologize instead of tripling down.

  2. Donald Trump: TIME TRAVELER!!! Going back, and making dumbassses THEN, look like… dumbasses NOW!!! 🤣🤣🤣

    Make the Space/Time Continuum GREAT again! 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Dean Baguette of the NYT is freaking out about this brazen act of journalism, too. No doubt Twitter is working double shifts on an algorithm to address this unforeseen racist attack.

  4. “the incident was “like a coordinated attack”

    You mean when like when every left wing news organization gets its daily talking points and attack plan from the Soros bought and paid for communist think-tanks? The morning memo that gets sent to everybody so they can all sound like parrots with the same sound bytes, regardless of media outlet and location?


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