Real News Tells Fake News Why They Stink – IOTW Report

Real News Tells Fake News Why They Stink

Liz Wheeler, on her OAN show “Tipping Point,” addressed CNN personally to explain to the once “most trusted name in news” why everyone has lost confidence in them. Here

6 Comments on Real News Tells Fake News Why They Stink

  1. So good ol’: Brian did not hear those comments because there were technical issues.

    And CNN always seems to have technical issues when people out in the field are beginning to make comments that are critical of the political elite.

    For such a prominent “news” organization, CNN sure has a lot of technical problems.

  2. The left/islamic axis is a power grab, with a fascist goal and the intent to loot the treasury. Reason and facts have nothing to do with anything. ‘By any means’ does.


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