Comedian tells the music industry, ‘Woke’ Millennials, to grow up – IOTW Report

Comedian tells the music industry, ‘Woke’ Millennials, to grow up

Hollywood In Toto:

Sebastian Maniscalco didn’t get political during his VMAs monologue Monday. He got cultural, and there’s a difference.

The rising star, dubbed by Dennis Miller as the funniest standup working today, eschewed the de facto Trump bashing during his five-plus minute set.

The star of the Netflix special “Stay Hungry” did something far more shocking. No, he didn’t twerk or kiss a man.

Maniscalco attacked woke Millennial culture, over and again. And the woke journalists who support woke culture in all its woke forms aren’t happy about it.

The “Green Book” co-star opened innocently enough, making a throwaway joke about the smoke surrounding his entrance. Next, he gave a quick shout out to Bruce Springsteen, a virtual god in New Jersey where the VMAs were held.

Then the comic went for the jugular.

12 Comments on Comedian tells the music industry, ‘Woke’ Millennials, to grow up

  1. either one of 2 things is going to happen … either the backlash will be so great & comedians like this will be driven out, or the younger generation will embrace the ‘kick in the ‘nads’ backlash

    my vote’s w/ the youth, who always find making fun of the status quo hilarious … the pushback is only going to get worse. the PC Police have spelled their own doom … they have become the new prudes

    kids rebel against & ridicule prudes … always have

  2. Wow, that was going “for the jugular”? Calling them free speech killing intolerant fascists who lack both the courage and the will to remove themselves from their echo chamber cocooned safe spaces and try and learn something for themselves, that would be going for the jugular. Honesty, truth, legitimate criticisms, all have lost their meanings in this anodized coddled new generation.

    And who knew MTV was still a thing?

  3. Well done. He’s a talented comedian. In that set, he knew there was so much the idiots could handle, so he had to soft peddle and misdirect at times. Still good work.

  4. That passes for edgy and courageous? He didn’t exactly skewer the sensitive lollipops in the room. Then again that crowd of self possessed douche nozzles were too busy silently practicing their acceptance speeches to have noticed anything he said.


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