Opinion: Greg Banks, Island County Prosecuting Attorney, Should be Terminated – IOTW Report

Opinion: Greg Banks, Island County Prosecuting Attorney, Should be Terminated

Western Washington-


An elected, controversial area-prosecutor has raised eyebrows over a seemingly endless stream of anti-Trump social media posts, some labeling his supporters KKK members.

Greg Banks is the Island County Prosecuting Attorney and he’s very active on Facebook. So active, apparently, that residents reached out to me, concerned that his animus towards President Donald Trump and Republican voters may shade how his office behaves in litigation.

Banks’ personal, public Facebook page is chock full of offensive memes and over-the-top condemnations that shows a deep disdain for both the President and his millions of supporters. Some are shared from different pages, some are articles with colorful (and unhinged) commentary, all posted with alarming regularity.

In one recent post, he implies Trump supporters are members of the KKK.

Banks’ statement:

You can accurately state that I share the opinion of a majority of Americans that President Trump is corrupt and a racist, based on his words and deeds. It boggles me that anyone can support him (including some of my family, friends and professional colleagues) notwithstanding his reprehensible conduct. But those are my personal views, and have no bearing on how we make prosecutorial decisions. We prosecute accused persons based on their conduct, not based on who they are or what they may believe.

We evaluate evidence gathered by professional police officers, and consider it in light of the legal burdens we must overcome to prove a crime beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. All persons in this country are entitled to due process of law. By the same token, no person is above the law. I take my charge in those regards very seriously.

For what it’s worth, if Mr. Trump committed a crime in Island County, I would recuse myself from his prosecution. But I’m not too concerned about that possibility.

“It’s very sad that an elected judicial member would post such hateful things on Facebook,” one of Banks’ constituents told The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “I don’t think as a conservative Trump voter I would get a fair [treatment] from our prosecuting attorney. Am I being pre-judged and labeled as a KKK member? Justice is supposed to be blind.”


Guy is a liar. Crap prosecutors will try harder, and take a chance on weaker cases, in order to nail people they don’t like. Nifong anyone?

This guy sounds deranged to me.

ht/ illustr8r

16 Comments on Opinion: Greg Banks, Island County Prosecuting Attorney, Should be Terminated

  1. The recently retired press relations officer for the Daly City, CA PD used to brag on FB how much he hated Trump and was joining the “Resistance”. His behavior got so out of hand that he was demoted from Lt. to Sgt. and booted off of internal affairs to the limpwrist job of public relations. He as a 5’4″ runt and was universally hated in his department. Dim as a post. There wasn’t one single picture of him in the entire force photo section.

  2. “You can accurately state that I share the opinion of a majority of Americans that President Trump is corrupt and a racist, based on his words and deeds.”
    Delusional much?

  3. One of the most lovely places in America, the whole county is islands.
    If you have enough money you can buy your own island.
    Lots of libtards up there.
    But it was one of John Wayne’s favorite places to go boating.
    There is still The John Wayne Marina out side of Sequim WA. Great food and a safe harbor.
    The guy needs to go. TDS is really something we have never seen before it is something to behold.

  4. Rick you have to take a ferry or a boat to go through Island county.
    But you still can avoid Lake county Calif (Good Wine thou), but I bet you would love Lake County Oregon, great hunting their, big Mule Deer, 200 lbs on the hoof.

  5. How many people outside of the state of Washington know that Sequim is pronounced Squim and not Se Quim? My wife and I had a friend who owned a sailboat that he kept near the Ballard Locks in Seattle years ago and went sailing with him and his family to the San Juan Islands up to Friday Harbor. It is beautiful up there and I even caught a nice sized flounder which we had for dinner one night.

  6. Banks DID win a major lawsuit against the County Commissioners in the name of the public because the County Commissioners hired an outside law firm to represent them (against the public if you understand that). Find out when the public gets the outside attorney paperwork, emails, texts etc that they paid for.

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