Texas Driving Range – IOTW Report

Texas Driving Range

Save yourself and mute the sound as you watch this, k?

13 Comments on Texas Driving Range

  1. Conceptually funny, but with no suppressor on that 12 gauge shottie he’s not being very nice to the golfers’ long-term hearing health.

    (At 21 seconds there’s a closeup of the muzzle. Looks like a 12 to me but could be a rare-ish 16. Either way: very loud!)

  2. Uncle Al: likely handloads very short on the power. A lot of the trick shot guys use them. The Benelli vids on Youtube are obvious. Guys Knocks off 6 clay pigeons nearly at once with almost no recoil.

  3. I suspect that (as with most “candid camera” type videos that could easily go wrong) the whole thing was set up and rehearsed beforehand. The almost complete lack of reaction from all the other golfers easily gives that away. In real life there would have been a whole lot more ducking, yelling, screaming, cursing, etc.

  4. I cannot speak for anyone else but if a shotgun blast went off on my blind side at a friggin driving range I would be laying on the ground with my CCW pointed at the VERY real threat at my backside!

    That is why this lil “prank” was probably done in the blue-est of blue states and at the richest of richy-rich golf coarses he could get permission to pull this off.

    Still a stupid idea and he is lucky did not cost him his life.


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