Who is waiting on a painting? – IOTW Report

Who is waiting on a painting?

I ask only because if my power goes out from Hurricane Dorian, the only thing I can do in 2019 is to paint by the light of day.

So if anyone is waiting on a painting, now is the time to email me and let me know. You’d be helping keep my sanity in trying times.

Thank you!

26 Comments on Who is waiting on a painting?

  1. Hopefully it does not fail. You can catch a flight to north joisey, stay with us. Just a couple blocks from AB&G and some cold pints and grub, you can paint Maya and Tank live. Heck, we’ll even head over to Nyack for some memories. Be safe, peace. McFartus

  2. As unpredictable as the spaghetti routes are,
    THEY *ALL* SAY CAT 3 (min) or 4 towards Melbourne.

    From there, it could go inland, maybe northwest, maybe southwest…or:
    a *slight* chance it could just head up the Atlantic coastline to the Carolinas.

    As far as PCL is concerned (only 60 miles south of Melbourne), you ought to GTFO *now*.

  3. Come to my place, Big. We’ll drive by Rashida Tlaib’s place: show you the restaurant where Hoffa disappeared; drive out to one of Kid Rock’s mansions; take you the trailer park where eminem first decided to kill his mom; the old recording studio for Motown…and of course, a lovely little painting on my dining room wall ♥

  4. It’s going to hit about 20 miles North of Port St. Lucie….and it’s

    going to be nasty…I have a 10,000 Watt Generator if You need to

    borrow it (Rec 90 only no ethanol) It’s loud though..(LOWD!)

    I think We might get 40+ Winds in the Middle Keys..I’ll go play

    Golf for free !!!!!

    People are already freaking out.

  5. Time to batten down the hatches.
    You could always get your Mom to come sit for paintings.
    Pre landfall,the middle of the storm,the eye wall calm,and the end of the storm.
    Just kidding of course. We will pray that you and your Mom come through with out a scratch and your house is intact.
    Get out if you can,head to any of the iOTW friend house 200 miles one way or the other there are many close by.
    Like Bobcat said it looks like you might take a direct hit.
    Oh, and call Gerard and ask him how to work with Fema he knows the ropes.
    Don’t forget to give us updates when you can,we will worry about you and your Mom.

  6. meyou, if he makes it to Michigan, tell him to call me and I’ll meet up with you!

    Stay safe, Fur. Maybe Uncle Al can put up with you … I mean – put you up for a few days!

  7. I’d offer some safe haven for you and yours BFH ’cause I’m right up the road (sorta) but I’m probating an estate and am not the most agreeable sort right now. 🙁 If ya’ need a little extra jingle, you got my email address….

  8. @BFH – I just re-read my comment above and realized that I sound a little pissy and I sure didn’t mean to be! Given your circumstances, I know you’ve got your hands more than full. You’ve got nothing but good wishes from our house!

  9. Guessing that the National Weather “Service” and Weather Channel and CNN get it wrong again. AGAIN

    Here’s the essence of the problem. Climate chane alarmists issue terrifying warning after terrifying warning for every single storm, which turn out to be nothing.
    So eventually everybody stops paying them heed. Then a real storm hits.

    Liberal meteorologists are as much to blame for stirring up the squawking hen house as liberal politicians regarding racism and white supremacy.

    Stock up for a few days of eating and drinking.
    If you lose power or internet for a day or two?
    We will wonder. But not assume the worst for your absence.

    Central VA Casa PHENRY is always available.

  10. I’m in Phoenix. No hurricanes, earthquakes or forest fires, there’s no plant life to burn. So hot there’s no standing water, hence no insect pests. You’re welcome here. It’s a little warm right now….

  11. BFH, Try doing a Bob Ross copy of Dorian Gray, might have some resale value.
    If not, send it my way!
    All these sincerely meant best comments to you, I hope make you feel filled up.
    Be well

  12. Hey, Mr Hat! Just like everyone else, I have a few friends that have gone through some hurricanes. Seems mostly unanimous that they are bad storms, but not that big of a deal. Except for one guy that had to cut a hole in his roof from inside his attic due to rising flood waters. He and his wife survived but they were praying for help. Don’t go into your attic without a gas powered chainsaw. If all you have is an electric saw you might as well have brought a toothbrush. An axe or hatchet might be pretty handy too. Be safe!


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