Science: There’s no gay gene – IOTW Report

Science: There’s no gay gene

PJ Media– Recent polls have shown that most Americans believe that homosexuals are “born that way” rather than become gay as the result of environmental factors. In fact, perpetuating the belief that sexual orientation is innate has been crucial to the gay rights movement. According to the most recent Gallup Poll on the subject, 88 percent of people who believe homosexuals are “born that way” support the legality of same-sex marriage, while only 39 percent of those who believe homosexuality is the result of environmental factors support the legality of same-sex marriage.

So, what happens when science proves that homosexuals aren’t “born that way”? Perhaps we’ll find out. A new comprehensive scientific study of the biological roots of sexual orientation released Thursday proved that there no “gay gene” and that genetic factors are insignificant in determining sexual orientation.


26 Comments on Science: There’s no gay gene

  1. Lucky for them, can you imagine if there were a gay gene and we are soon at the point that most would eliminate and disqualify that embryo. You would have had gays become pro life over night.

  2. I don’t know. I cannot believe that the entire genome is understood or studied enough to even determine this. What would a gay gene look like? Is it wearing little spandex and telling other genes, “You look fabulous!”? Come on.

  3. Doesn’t have to be genetic.
    Can still be “born that way” as are some cowards, some connivers, some murderers (see Clinton and Kennedy, for instance).

    A psychological pre-disposition, I guess.
    (my years in Plumbing never made this entirely clear)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. There have been numerous studies of identical twins, who share the same DNA, where one is a homo and the other not that discredit the “born that way” genetic claim.

    Not that people claiming it is are going to pay attention to them, it is not a true scientific argument they are making anymore than global warming is.

  5. It’s a sin, frowned upon by God. Always has been and always will be. The modern media is simply a reincarnation of the circus freak show – except they have a faux sense of authority and credibility…

  6. Gayness is a biological short circuit.
    Something triggers a hormonal change during pregnancy that restricts the next generation from breeding.
    Probably overcrowding, or poverty, or some subset of emotional triggers.
    Anyway it instills in the next generation a bias against reproduction.
    No homosexual gene, just the human biome looking after the long range interests of the species

  7. The gay community should be down on their knees (and not for the usual reasons) thanking a God far too many of them don’t believe in that bio-science did not find an identifiable (and testable) gay gene. If they had, and with abortion easily available the gay community would be almost wiped out within a generation. Millennium’s, lefties and most progressive people would look at the extra work and problems that raising a gay child entails and decide it wasn’t worth the cache of being able to brag about having a gay child or worth the pats on the pack they would receive. In fact, the gay community’s only hope would be people that believe that all life is precious and begins at conception hence abortion isn’t an option and shouldn’t be legal. It would be ironic that the survival of a gay community would rely upon a group that the gays hate so very, very much.

  8. Too bad for the queers, but predictable. Some queer academic wrote a book about having discovered the gene that makes people queer. Only queers believed it. Now even science has stopped supporting the pervs.

    Tough shit, homos. God hates you, the majority of the population is disgusted with you, and now science has turned its back on you. All that is left for y’all is to go to Hell.

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