Biden Falsely Claims Heritage Foundation Said Trump Tax Cuts ‘Didn’t Work’ – IOTW Report

Biden Falsely Claims Heritage Foundation Said Trump Tax Cuts ‘Didn’t Work’


On Wednesday, former vice president and current 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden falsely claimed that the Heritage Foundation said the 2017 Republican tax cuts “didn’t work.” Heritage, one of America’s most prominent conservative think tanks, quickly shot down the false claim, referencing its research on the widespread benefits of the tax cuts.

“Even the Heritage Foundation has pointed out that his tax cut did not work,” Biden said at a town hall in Spartanburg, S.C.

“This couldn’t be farther from the truth. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has been one of the strongest and boldest reforms of President Donald Trump’s first term in office,” Heritage spokeswoman Gloria Taylor said in a statement sent to reporters. Her email linked to an October 2018 study showing how Americans in each state have benefitted from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).

“The evidence is clear that all Americans are benefiting from the tax cuts,” Heritage’s Adam Michel, an informal advisor to the White House on the tax cuts bill, said in a statement. “Following the reform, Americans across the country had bigger paychecks and businesses increased investment, wages, and jobs. Average wage growth has been above 3% for the last 11 straight months and the lowest wage earners are benefiting from some of the largest wage gains.”

“Last year, The Heritage Foundation calculated what Americans across the country can expect from the tax cuts. The average household can expect about $26,000 more in take-home pay over the next 10 years thanks to the tax reform,” Michel added. more

11 Comments on Biden Falsely Claims Heritage Foundation Said Trump Tax Cuts ‘Didn’t Work’

  1. Doofus Joe proceeds to show his incompatibility with the highest office in the land , every time he opens his mouth. His campaign button should be:” President, over the hill gang”.

  2. Whether they “worked” or not depends entirely on how you define worked.

    And it would need to be a single factor instead of many factors at play to know if you were either right or wrong about it.

    For instance, would it have “worked” ( however you define it) without the absolutely tremendous increase in spending and national debt (rapidly inflating the money supply) that has occurred over the same time as the tax cuts?

    And the deregulation in many industries along with both of those as well?

    Think about that for a while.

  3. I’m becoming more convinced each day that neither Biden nor anyone else in the Democrat Clown Car is going to be the actual candidate. There’s someone else that’s been chosen and just waiting until the last possible second to enter to minimize their exposure to conservative examination/attack. I’m not sure what the rules are in the Democrat Party although it’s likely backroom boys could get that changed in days or the Federal rules are about candidate entry into the race but the Democrats (even considering the extreme left and the millennium mob) are not as stupid as to allow an easily torched candidate (like all of the current contestants) to capture the nomination and make the run.

  4. scr_north AUGUST 30, 2019 AT 3:40 PM

    I believe SNS has been beating that drum for a number of months now.
    He scares me with his insistence that Mike, Moose or whatever you wish to call it will be nominated from the floor.

    Can’t imagine that turd making a run for a second visit to stink up the whits house again…

  5. If all this nonsense surrounding Biden and the rest of the clown brigade is just smoke and mirrors, then why have primaries at all ?? Just go back to the backroom deals, the cloak room machinations and select a candidate that way and be done with it. The way it used to be.

    Saves a lot of time, useless debates, useless campaign donations that goes nowhere, etc. And the campaign season won’t last two frickin’ years!


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