Latest Fad In Education: The Trauma-Sensitive Classroom – IOTW Report

Latest Fad In Education: The Trauma-Sensitive Classroom

Today’s educators are focused on adverse child experience (ACE) and the creation of “trauma-sensitive” class rooms as they are on reading, writing and arithmetic.  The goal is to develop a child’s “social-emotional skills” that will help make a calmer learning environment. In practice it seems to be an attempt to replace punishment for misbehavior with more nurturing and affirmation of feelings.

Critics observe this as a continuation of the old social and emotional learning (SEL) approach that actually “doubles down failed education fads.” More

16 Comments on Latest Fad In Education: The Trauma-Sensitive Classroom

  1. “…cultural shift away from reacting to students in a punitive way…”

    …so violent and disruptive students never get expelled, suspended or “justice-involved”. This is an attempt to continue an Obama legacy thing called Restorative Justice, which “…aimed to stem the school-to-prison pipeline by prodding schools to reduce the number of suspensions and expulsions, especially for students of color and students with disabilities, both of whom receive disciplinary actions at disproportionately high rates…”

    On a related note, I see where the SAT will not be giving 100 “Adversity Points” to the same kids who will be getting the Trauma Sensitive/Restorative Justice privileges. Parents fought back and won against that blatant test rigging. The other tricks the “Educators” try are more subtle.

    Public education is trying to equalize outcomes by punishing good kids more and bad kids less, by using subjective questions to bring down high-scores and bring up low scorers and by using “Team Projects” yoking high-achievers to underachievers so that all team members get the same grade, regardless of individual input. Your child’s success in school is a sign of selfishness and his success must be distributed fairly.

  2. I was always in favor of punishing physical bullies who, regardless of age, are guilty of assault. But schools stopped doing this years ago and started making a moral equivalence between the bullies and those who defended themselves. So instead of teaching the no-initiation-of-force principal they are now going WAAAAAY overboard and enforcing what amounts to thought-crimes. This purposeful social engineering will turn children into neurotic robots that will eventually do anything the state wants them to do. The more manipulative ones will rise to the top as leaders.

  3. I was talking to a friend who is paid to care for
    a 7 year old whose wealthy family sends him to one
    of those West coast, very expensive “no teaching allowed”
    joints that they call a “school”.
    The brat tells her “you can’t fucking tell me what to do”
    in front of the so called parents who let it go by
    without a word.
    Wait till the little shit hits 13 and turns their
    lives into a well deserved living hell.

  4. ACA “Adverse Child Experience.” ?? How about getting your ears boxed and your ass kicked by a Christian Brother for being a disruptive little asshole? Happened to me. Woke me up. I didn’t
    complain at home either, ’cause that would mean another ass kickin’
    Something gotta change. I know, I know, I’m living in the past.
    Wonder how Rickey G is making out in his teaching assignment?

  5. As an employer, I hate this. These kids will grow up thinking that if there is some adversity they are facing:
    1. Something is wrong
    2. Somebody else failed and that is why they are facing adversity
    3. Somebody else has to solve this problem
    4. Everyone else has to stop whatever they are doing and immediately come together to stop the adversity.

    When their little snowflake butt has to face the consequences for what they have done, their natural inclination will be to claim victim hood status and sue.

  6. I still can remember my history teacher and football coach in the 9th grade throw one of the jocks up against the wall when he was being an asshole and pinned him there, he never did that again. It’s time to bring back hacking or the board of education as my father in law the Vice Principal at a Catholic Grade school called it. A bunch of boys got hacked in Junior High in the mid 60’s for sneaking to the back of the line in gym class for not wanting to dance with the fat or ugly girls to the tune of Blame it on the bossa nova, I still can’t stand that song.

  7. Snowflake: You’re firing me ’cause I’m just outta High school.
    Foreman: No jerkoff, I hired you because you’re just out of High School, I’m firing you because you’re late every day, lazy, and fucking useless. Join the Marine Corp
    you asshole. Man up! I know the Army won’t take you, because you’re too fucking stupid!
    Hey Marines, just jokin.’

  8. Trauma sensitive classroom… ACE! So when little Tyrone rampages about the classroom pissing in all the lunchboxes and wiping shit all over the coats in the coat closet we just say: Tyrone is an ACE — he ain’t have no puppy, and he’s lashing out against Conservative Theories of self control.

    “He ain’t got no impulse control, and shit!”


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