Judge orders White House to restore Playboy correspondent’s press pass – IOTW Report

Judge orders White House to restore Playboy correspondent’s press pass


U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras ordered the White House on Tuesday to immediately give Playboy correspondent Brian Karem his press pass back after it was revoked for 30 days.

Karem sued the White House in August “to enjoin the ongoing violation of his First and Fifth Amendment rights.”

“Meanwhile, Karem has shown that even the temporary suspension of his pass inflicts irreparable harm on his First Amendment rights. The Court therefore grants Karem’s motion for a preliminary injunction and orders that his hard pass be restored while this lawsuit is ongoing,” Contreras said.

“For the foregoing reasons, Karem’s motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction is granted. Defendants are ordered to restore Karem’s hard pass. An order consistent with this Memorandum Opinion is separately and contemporaneously issued,” he concluded.

“Free Speech and Due process win,” Karem tweeted in response to the news.

The White House revoked Karem’s pass after getting into a confrontation with guests in the Rose Garden after attending a social media summit. Former White House staffer Sebastian Gorka got into Karem’s face, where the two of them exchanged a short verbal spat.

In a video leading up to the exchange, Karem said the audience was a “group of people that are eager for demonic possession.” When Gorka shouted back at Karem, he said, “We can go outside and have a long conversation.”

“You’re a punk! You’re not a journalist! You’re a punk!” Gorka shouted at Karem, who is also a CNN political analyst. After Gorka left, an attendee can be heard telling Karem that Gorka would beat his “punk ass” in a fight. more

24 Comments on Judge orders White House to restore Playboy correspondent’s press pass

  1. …Also, why is the President ALLOWING judges to tell the Presidency what to do? Last time I looked, NO branch of Government was above the Presidency.

    …he should take the Democrat hero President Andrew Jackson’s tack with this, or ANY court, to wit:

    “John Marshall {Then Supreme Court Chief Justice) has made his decision; now let him enforce it!”

    …let’s see if “judge” Contreras would have the ballz AND the wherewithal to force the President of the United States to take this pervert back PERSONALLY, shall we? Pretty sure the “judge” doesn’t have NEARLY the literal army that the President has, just sayin’….

  2. I thought the name was familiar, the scumbag judge is like many others and out of control. They’re hard to do anything about. I wish they’d just tell the judge to go fuck himself and see what he wants to do about it. They need to be challenged and going about that through a court doesn’t make sense, they’re not likely to side against one of their own.

  3. it’s just more two tiered justice.

    can you imagine if somebody had stood up at an obama press conference and yelled insults at the black folk?

    they would be out in a heartbeat and no judge would overturn it.

  4. Fine. Have capitol police at every presser. As soon as this punk, or any other “journalist” refuses to behave, have them arrested for disorderly conduct. Repeat as often as necessary.

  5. Maybe some disgruntle Americans who live near this Judge’s courtroom should show up daily and heckle him in the performance of his duties. Simply make snide comments from the gallery about the Judge. See if he can handle it without ordering them removed.

  6. Contreras is the Obama appointee who is likely the one who signed off on multiple fraudulent FISA warrants to effect the surveillance for the coup attempt.

    If so, he should be outed. His personal opinions which sometimes masquerade as legal, weightbearing decisions should be disregarded until further notice in lieu of his impeachment.

  7. This is maddening as fuck.
    What the fuck happened where some cocksucker sues every time they get butthurt?
    Do the fucking crime, do the time.

    I hope the White House takes care of this prick asshole like the Spite House of 2008-2016 used to handle their enemies. 🙁

  8. The Donald needs to put a commercial size, subzero
    freezer in back of the WH and have a two way camera
    and speaker installed.
    There the press can stand at -10° and ask questions
    of him while he sits in the Oval Office.
    (Always give the snakes a cool reception.)


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