Former Walmart CEO reluctant to say if store’s gun policy will prevent mass violence – IOTW Report

Former Walmart CEO reluctant to say if store’s gun policy will prevent mass violence


Former Walmart CEO Bill Simon said he is unsure if the retail giant’s new gun policies will put a damper on the country’s mass shootings.

Walmart announced Tuesday they will no longer sell handgun ammunition, as well as some rifle ammunition. They will also stop selling handguns, which they stopped selling in the continental U.S. prior to 2019, in Alaska.

The store also asked customers no longer to openly carry guns in its stores or in Sam’s Clubs, where open carry is allowed under state law.

“Well, you know, first of all, I think Doug and the team at Walmart had to take some sort of action and this was thoughtful,” Simon said.

“Whether it will be impactful on the overall issue in the country, it’s very difficult to say,” he continued. “It’s such a divisive issue, there’s part of the country that will cheer it, and a good portion that will not. It’s tough as a retailer to have to take a position on those things, but when action happens like happened in El Paso, I think they’re left with no choice.” more

19 Comments on Former Walmart CEO reluctant to say if store’s gun policy will prevent mass violence

  1. Good. This will prevent me from going there to wait a half hour before an employee graces me with his presence in the sporting goods section only to not have the keys for the ammo cabinet. Then it’s another 15 minute wait for Goofy McGoofson to fumble around a keyring with 100 keys only to have the register not able to scan the ammo and all I get is, “Sorry we can’t sell that now.” Fuckin place is a waste of time.

  2. It’s a given. Walmart’s bottom line will be shrink rapidly. Not just because of their stand of guns, but for people who stand for the 2nd Amendment. I haven’t been in a Walmart for years.

  3. I’m willing to bet BFH’s next paycheck that no “mass” shootings involved a firearm purchased at Walmart. Bad move Walmart. On the other hand, I am now a domestic terrorist in San Francisco.

  4. It isn’t practical to completely quit shopping at Walmart.

    I quit shopping at Target years ago when they went anti Christian by banning the Salvation Army bell ringers at Christmas (and they’ve gone farther down that road since) and there is no Kmart or other similar store anywhere near where I live.

    However, I do intend to shift all of my non food and non urgent purchases to internet sources instead of making them at Walmart.

    I’m sure they don’t give a damn about that and won’t miss me, but I am still planning on doing it that way.

  5. I seriously doubt any of this will actually hurt Walmart’s bottom line. I don’t know of anyone who actually buys guns or ammo at a Walmart, and there are far too many people who only want to waste their money on cheap Chinese crap that Walmart pimps to America.

  6. ” I don’t know of anyone who actually buys guns or ammo at a Walmart …”

    I buy some ammo there when I want cheap AR or AK ammo to plink with. Other than that I buy by the case online for the calibers I don’t reload.

    (Ammo restrictions are coming, already have come in some places, so it might be a good idea for everyone to just put a few cases of the common calibers away while they can.)

    Never bought a gun from them, though, and probably never will even if they reverse this policy.

  7. Walmart is the store of choice for low income or welfare recipients and illegals. which usually include the criminal minded who would have no constraints about carrying guns. Laws have no meaning to them. Walmart (and now Krogers) are putting out the welcome mat for criminals to shop, rob, or shoot freely. Self-defense is rapidly being outlawed for the law abiding.


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