Can we say Eugenics? Bernie Sanders says US should pay for abortions and birth control in ‘poor countries’ to combat climate change – IOTW Report

Can we say Eugenics? Bernie Sanders says US should pay for abortions and birth control in ‘poor countries’ to combat climate change


During CNN’s “climate crisis town hall” with Democratic 2020 hopefuls Wednesday night, an audience member identified as a teacher addressed Sanders, saying, “Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth. I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it’s crucial to face. Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact.”

Sanders finalized his answer by saying, “So, I think, especially, in poor countries around the world, where women do not necessarily want to have large numbers of babies, and where they can have the opportunity through birth control to control the number of kids they have, is something I very, very strongly support.”


16 Comments on Can we say Eugenics? Bernie Sanders says US should pay for abortions and birth control in ‘poor countries’ to combat climate change

  1. This is exactly why I am so glad CNN hosted this idiotic marathon. It is going to provide the RNC and Trump with so much material for campaign ads. Just letting voters hear these horrid people in their own words saying the most insane things will be the most effective advertising ever.

  2. Given Ms Sanger was Heinrich Himmler’s pen pal and regularly lectured the Klan, does this mean, if poor people don’t stop procreating enough, we’ll see Auschwitz-on-the-Congo?

  3. Goals, Bernie, remember your goals.

    Remember Bernie’s $16 TRILLION plan to fight “climate change,” primarily by reducing carbon in the atmosphere? If all that money is spent specifically on reducing carbon, and if the goal is successful, and Earth goes from 4.5 ppm to 2.5 ppm, you won’t have to worry about killing babies, Bernie. Rather, the babies (and their parents) will simply STARVE to death.

  4. I read the Sanders quote and my immediate reaction was “Hitler.”

    The demonrat field of candidates: creepy, creepier, and creepiest. Which one is Sanders?

    Just sayin’.

  5. Do you want apocalyptic pandemics?
    If killing babies in other countries is good for the planet, so is getting rid of people on a mass scale.
    Don’t think it’s not on the agenda

  6. Bernie is an evil idiot. He’s solid proof that old worthless hippies never grow up they just get stupider as the grow older. Just go away Bernie, go smoke some weed and leave us the hell alone. And besides I heard a lot of this socialist bullshit when I was younger and grew out of it by getting married, working and raising 3 kids and stopped believing all the liberal bs back in the mid 80’s.


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