Jussie Smollett’s Lawyers Blame Cost of Investigation on Police Department – IOTW Report

Jussie Smollett’s Lawyers Blame Cost of Investigation on Police Department

Legal Insurrection: Jussie Smollett, now infamous for allegedly paying a couple of dudes to stage a hate crime, has been billed by the city of Chicago for the investigation into his faux allegations. That tab is just over $130,000. In April, the city sued Smollett for failure to reimburse the costs associated with investigating a “false police report.”

Tuesday night, Smollett’s lawyers argued that it’s not Smollett’s part the Chicago Police Department racked up a $130k bill investigating a crime his client claimed transpired. more here

7 Comments on Jussie Smollett’s Lawyers Blame Cost of Investigation on Police Department

  1. It’s like Dave Chappelle implied. Nobody with a brain in their head believed that faggot Smollet from day one – including every sane black person in the country – but every democrat media personality drove the idiot democrat political establishment to demand the police treat the claim as legitimate even though the entire thing was utterly ridiculous. They should all pay too; not just Smollet. Nobody believed that worthless fag. But others forced the cops to waste time on his stupid case.

  2. @Pelopidas

    There’s a difference between believing it and believing that it’s a convenient narrative that needs to be treated as true for the political value of it. If progs weren’t so insufferably dishonest, they’d own up to this.

  3. Well now to be fair, I’m sure that when Smollett decided to commit this extremely dangerous crime (this was Chicago and the only thing that saved them from a “South Central LA Party” was the weather) to up his tv bargaining power he had no idea he’d be caught and even then I’m sure he figured that his Black/Gay identity would save him from any prosecution or investigation. What a dick move by his lawyer. I wonder whether he realizes that his lawyer fees are going to far exceed any money a contract extension or raise his fraud would have paid him had it worked. I’m waiting for the Chicago Police Union to sue him for slander. Or is it libel?


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