Why do I like this so much? – IOTW Report

Why do I like this so much?

ht/ hw

23 Comments on Why do I like this so much?

  1. Oh please people! Is this your new Pepe? Do you think this really scares us? I bet his “gun” has an orange tip at the end and he is obviously wearing a wig. I saw this character once in a Halloween special. He has rocks, not guns.

  2. Should pull a “Sabo” guerrilla movement and start putting these up in Walmart, Kroger, Walgreens, Dicks, etc! Before ya know it they’ll be talking about banning open carry posters.
    Anybody wanna buy a nice leather poster holsters?

  3. It has layers.

    Bronson’s head was already cartoonishly round, so no exaggeration needed. That alone is worth half a giggle.

    Add the juxtaposition of a hard-azz Bronson stare and 6 shooter superimposed over weakling C.B. and you have harmony!

  4. The essence of good agit-prop.

    A melding of diametrically opposed concepts into an essentially novel coherence.

    If I wasn’t laughing so, I’d figure out a way to get “heuristic” and “paradigm” into the comment.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Under the upcoming, DARPA-developed, Internet censor engine, that image would banned and the people responsible for it arrested. It’s worse than Joe Camel! Do it for the children!

  6. Vietvet, A Boy and His Dog was one of the strangest movies I ever saw in the mid 70’s. It ranks up there with Sean Connery’s Zardoz as one of the strangest and weirdest apocalyptic movies that I ever saw. Someone who was on acid or worse made those strange movies, there is no other way to explain them. They were beyond dystopic.


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