Sounds like RatRock to me – IOTW Report

Sounds like RatRock to me

Biden has lost it. The tape has unspooled. The circuits have arced. The brain gas has overtaken the hamsters.

ht/ nm

24 Comments on Sounds like RatRock to me

  1. Every democrat who did not get in line with the Clintons was destroyed. First string is now used up and there’s no one on the bench. Biden is a pathetic washed up loser who should have been retired 20 years ago. The democrats are now stuck with washed up losers no one would recruit. Bumbling and babbling buffoon Biden is their only hope.

  2. Sadly, This says a lot about Joe Biden’s son and wife, they will prop him up to his very end to milk every last drop out his political career. Damn the Biden legacy, let’s make $$$ as much now as we can. A sick family.

    Like VietVet mentioned, the higher-ups basically told him not to do this.

  3. He’s blown a capacitor on the motherboard.

    He’s staring at the proverbial ‘blue screen of death.’

    The power supply fried itself.

    His CRC came up Nulls.

    His hard drive blew chunks inside the box.

    His RAM got rick-rolled.

    And finally, a Safe Boot left the message on his screen:

    *** No Operating System found ***

  4. @Jimmy, he was a bad operating system from the get-go and obviously now a retired operating system with no updates. But about 60 remaining users trying to pry in the new updates. It’s sad. Biden is Windows 98.

  5. “Is this a dead man, doctor?”

    Very Nearly dead, Mr. Spock.”

    “But he’s worse than dead. His brain is gone!”

    (Sorry, I had to get this in at least one more time because it still cracks me up.)

    (Kirk silently repeating with his lips…”His brain is gone?”)

  6. Trump makes all those other candidates look incompetent. Even if they were competent (i know thats a stretch) he’d make them look like boobs.

    Trump broke the mold. No other politician holds a candle to him. And now America knows what a real patriot can do so we wont be satisfied with these also rans. Trumps got this.

  7. Rap Rock…he got paid like an O.G.
    but he cut like a flowbie, turn heat up to fyre

    An I’m O’Joe, mixin’ up dat money, squeezin’
    all dem’ honeys….if dey look 12…

    Rap Rock, turnin’ up tha’ club, droppin’ dub dubz..
    I got tha’ country, shotgun at da door
    come and knock some mo…

    But I O’Joe, got a bloody red eye-cuz I try an try…
    but why oh why oh why, can’t I see straight? My brain be
    haulin’ dead weight.

    Come an knock some mo.

  8. BFH: 🎶 I told you so 🎶 Frontal cortex damage from prior aneurysms, inability to compensate due to older age, add extreme stress from campaigning as well as being marginally intelligent to begin with. It is going to get worse. The rats will not be abandoning this ship, they will be turning to eat him soon enough. But I won’t be crying about ole Joe unless it is from the laughter.

  9. We need Joe on His Tricycle, Riding through the Hotel from

    The Shining….Looking at His Pinky Finger and saying

    “Ratrock, Ratrock”

    (camera slowly pans to Mirror…and Ratrock backwards spells


  10. There’s something unsettling about this whole (Kabuki) thing for me. The democrats are NOT this stupid and are experts in the political game. What the hell are they going to spring on voters in the eleventh hour…They are cunning, deceitful and relentless in the pursuit of power and control and have shown their “Long March” commitment to social destruction over the last nearly 100 years. Watch the other hand. Watch the other hand……


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