Keep it up liberals… – IOTW Report

Keep it up liberals…

ht/ petrus

6 Comments on Keep it up liberals…

  1. For well over a decade the percentage of voters who are hard core Leftists has held steady at 27%. No matter how things get sliced and diced, the outcome has always been 27%. Now, if you think about how much farther Left the Democrat party has slid since the ’16 election, it stands to reason that all those other people who call themselves Democrat but are alarmed by the radical and disastrous offerings of their Party, will either not vote or will vote Republican.

  2. I love the tee-shirt and all the crowing about President Trump winning in a landslide. I just can’t get too excited about it because of voter fraud.

    All of what we have seen for the last few decades proves to me that the Ds have been improving their voter fraud plans. Look at what happened in 2018 – the House flipped ONLY due to voter fraud. How do races that have the R ahead suddenly change to a D win? It’s the ballot harvesting and trunk-full of D ballots that come in and are counted as valid.

    There are so many more ways to subvert a true election, so I’m not going to list them (I have in the past). Just know that one or two arrests won’t stop it. Florida saved themselves from having their election stolen, but what about next time? CA is supposed to get their voter rolls purged. Is it really happening? Will that matter with all the other plans that Ds have that have nothing to do with dead voters?

    Sorry about being such a downer, but I just don’t think anyone (in a position to do something about this) is taking it seriously. At least, I haven’t heard about anything other than a few arrests of no importance and a court order for CA to purge their records. Since when does CA do anything for the good of the country? The Federal gov’t won’t even do anything about their sanctuary status.

    All I know to do is to pray. But will God intervene when no one in government is willing to do something about voter fraud?


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