John Ward- Global Cooling: An Inconvenient History of the Climate Change Hoax – IOTW Report

John Ward- Global Cooling: An Inconvenient History of the Climate Change Hoax

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11 Comments on John Ward- Global Cooling: An Inconvenient History of the Climate Change Hoax

  1. There’s that old Boogie Man “Russia” again!
    Seems like the Fear mongers and control freaks just can’t stay away from that one… or the old flaming Dong of Justice!
    Ah yes… when it comes to these climate shysters, crooks and grifters we’ve been getting diddled by the dangling dong of destiny for over a half a century!
    Live long and prosper well Schmucks!

  2. The Ozone hole hoax was the test run for globalists to see if they could distort national economies and control governments by blaming humans for the normal fluctuations in a natural process. It was a total success, so here we are today with this “decarbonizing” bullshit.

  3. So what happened to 2017? That was a cold winter in MO. It was often 15 to 19 degrees of frost.

    Global warming. I used 1800 dollars in LP that season. After that I put in an anthracite burner.

    Actually it may have ONLY been 1600 dollars of LP. 🙂

  4. I guess I should have typed “degrees of frost in C.”

    It got to -2F — about -19C, 34 below freezing, and 19 below that other freezing. It was cold. And that wasn’t wind chill. That was straight -2F. Cows turned to statues. I could have drove my 20,000 pound truck, fully laden, on the pond that year.


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