Enviro-Group Sues To Protect Plague-Infected Prairie Dogs – IOTW Report

Enviro-Group Sues To Protect Plague-Infected Prairie Dogs

courthouse news

An environmentalist group filed a federal lawsuit against the federal government Friday for violating an agreement to kill urban prairie dogs on behalf of Commerce City which was recently riddled with plague.

No animals have been killed yet, but in a 12-page lawsuit filed in the District of Colorado, environmental group Prairie Protection Colorado accused the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service as well as the Wildlife Services of wrongly “using lethal and inhumane methods of wildlife damage management.”

The black tailed prairie dogs suffered a flea-transmitted plague in August, prompting the temporary closure of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal and leading to a camping ban during a 3-day Phish concert. Though no cases were confirmed among humans, the rodents can transmit the bacterial disease to people and their pets. More

16 Comments on Enviro-Group Sues To Protect Plague-Infected Prairie Dogs

  1. These libtards in CO do this all the time to block development etc. The best was once they did a major eradication in Boulder and some lunatics came out and put thousands of tiny crosses in the field. They care more about these rodents than human life. They also relocate these beasts. Not only do they carry disease they are super destructive tunneling and they are loud and obnoxious. Seeing them get carried off by hawks is a glorious sight.

  2. Environmentalists do not give a shit about these rodents or people. Purely motivated by profit. The Feds lose these cases and pay Law firms with a healthy incentive to file more frivolous law suits. The environmentalist who discovers this gold mine is paid a handsome finders’s fee.

  3. The plague in rodent populations has been documented in many parts of the west. . . for decades. very few, and anyone can dispute this if they have data, people have been infected by this disease. The way they got infected was through exposure to the rodent feces. Not the rodent themselves. But just to be sure, make sure you bake your prairie dog to at least 225 degrees for at least 4 minutes, to ensure the bacteria is dead, before you eat it.
    Actually it is feces dust that people inhale, that causes infection. Enough random biologist rant for now. Did anybody ever consult an expert? Nah, didn’t think so.

  4. rick, I have a distaste for hippies, so go to the phish concert and whatever happens is fair game. AIDS, crabs, herpes, plague, it’s all out there and plenty more. no need to get on my case when those diseased vermin infect you. just remember that Jerry is dead and phish suck (i know cause i read it on a bumper sticker). the way you took it so personal was music to my ears you damn hippie. take a shower and get a job.

  5. Anonymous SEPTEMBER 8, 2019 AT 2:34 PM

    These libtards in CO do this all the time to block development etc. The best was once they did a major eradication in Boulder and some lunatics came out and put thousands of tiny crosses in the field. They care more about these rodents than human life. They also relocate these beasts. Not only do they carry disease they are super destructive tunneling and they are loud and obnoxious. Seeing them get carried off by hawks is a glorious sight.

    Hello folks, I’m Dadof4. I’ve been a professional bug man for almost 33 years exactly and I approve this message.

  6. Anonymous SEPTEMBER 8, 2019 AT 10:52 PM

    It’s not the prairie dog shit, it’s the fleas, or direct contact to infected bodily fluids.

    True. Different disease associated with the sh*t.

    Prairie dog sh*t is a hantavirus threat. That’s what he’s describing. Got them crossed up, he did.

    There are also other negatives they present to modern man, agriculturally.

    Leaving them be means giving up on occupying and using that land for productive purposes. Anyone against that doesn’t know what they are up against and is just annoying to the saner members of mankind.


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