Proposed California bill would ban most school suspensions for disruptive behavior – IOTW Report

Proposed California bill would ban most school suspensions for disruptive behavior


Teachers’ lives may be getting even more difficult in the Golden State as new legislation seeks to ban schools from suspending kids in grades K through 8, and from expelling students in all grades.

California Senate Bill 419, sponsored by State Senator Nancy Skinner of Berkeley, builds upon previous legislation which bars suspensions of students through grade 3, according to The Sacramento Bee.

The bill continues the nationwide trend of scrapping “punitive” measures like suspensions and detentions in favor of efforts like “restorative justice/practices.” With these, teachers and administrators hold chat sessions where students discuss what ails them and receive counseling. Indeed, 419 “encourages” such measures.

Skinner says suspensions are “lost time” for students: “Our goal needs to be to keep kids in school and to have them be successful.”


Ya, cuz when you go to your class reunion, the kid who was a major disruption, punk and all around jerk is somehow “successful.”

If they do manage to succeed in life it would have nothing to do with school, book learning or teachers. They scored in some other fashion.

This school policy is simply a matter of money and funding.

17 Comments on Proposed California bill would ban most school suspensions for disruptive behavior

  1. @BFH – Yep, follow the ol’ money. Schools get feddle and state bux based on attendee-days (I won’t call ’em “pupils” any more).

    Opponents of this bill need to do a little language manipulation. They should talk about being Pro-Choice in the matter of School Family Planning and tout the benefits of Academic Abortion.

  2. Rewarding bad behavior, rewriting history, indoctrinating future generations, supporting divisiveness, promoting deviancy.

    Destroying the present and dooming the future.

  3. Administrators now have to go through all nine circles of hell and back to document why a black student gets suspended. There’s money been directly tied to it by the last POTUS so it’s simply doesn’t happen much anymore no matter what the perp does. And the perps know it. So do the good students, and they suffer for it. Morale drops across the board. Then the union demands more money to improve morale. Democrats elected again. Repeat cycle.

  4. but what about pop tarts in the shape of an uzi? but what about the kid caught with a plastic knofe in the lunchroom? Hey what about the kid with a real gun, knife, bomb vest, arsenic, radioactive uranium, mortar, wielding a baseball bat in homeroom, dealing heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, dilaudid, fentanal?

    Why is Johnny’s violence escalating?
    Why can’t Johnny read?

  5. I don’t care if this makes life a living hell for the teachers. They deserve it.

    As for the other kids, get the hell out of schools with all the troublemakers.

    Home school or private school.

    Sending a kid to a pubic school is insane.

  6. Sure, let’s perpetuate the idea of dismissing someone of being held responsible for their actions.

    That thought could ONLY be supported by a liberal commie that is hell bent on creating an endless chaos in hopes of throwing America into a socialistic, Marxist, Totalitarian government.

  7. Next news item — massive teacher shortages in all California public schools. And the Liberals will not have a clue how that happened, but will just throw more money at the problem, i.e. higher salaries for the teachers, to essentially be game wardens or baby sitters.

  8. Give Principal Lazlo a squad of Teachers with good old fashioned Rhodesian riot control batons and a strong arm to wield them and I’ll take your failing, unruly bastards and give you solid C students with a healthy respect for authority.

  9. Gee. Why do you spose LA County School District is recruiting freshly graduated teachers from all over the West? They can’t find anyone in state who’d take those jobs? Wonder why. Hmmmm….


    Take it from me, you all have bad co-workers, BUT you don’t have those bad co-workers’ 2 sets of parents and grandparents (and ex-spouses) coming in and giving you the business every time their little angel squawks about you at home to trigger a revenge visit.

    …and administrators, AND the school board. It never ends.

    Too many chefs ruin the broth!


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